Thursday, June 28, 2018

Women Positive Quotes


 "One is not born a woman, one becomes one." Simone de Beauvior 

"Perfect is boring, human is beautiful." Tyra Banks 

 "Turn toward the light , it's easy to turn away, women don't choose what's easy." Marjorie Farrington

 "The moon brightens the darkness, reflecting light from the the reflection of light in someone's darkness." Marjorie Farrington

 "Don't be afraid of your own shadow, look at your shadow as your impact on the world around you." Marjorie Farrington

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Harvard Business Law : Older Women Are Being Forced Out of the Workforce


Below is an article found on the Harvard Business Law website

Many women who feel discriminated against because of their age feel that their only recourse is to sue their employers—but they have a daunting road ahead if they choose to do so.  Even as state and federal laws prohibit age discrimination, a 2009 Supreme Court decision made it much harder for plaintiffs to win by shifting the burden of proof in these cases to them. This creates bookend barriers to senior women who are seeking to change jobs or re-enter the workplace.

For many of the women I spoke with, these challenges arose just as they were freed from the family responsibilities that slowed their career progress when they were younger.  As mothers, they were subjected to assumptions about whether their family obligations interfered with their commitment to work.  And when their children grew up, they raced back into the workforce, only to see their careers stalled by a reduced tolerance for aging women at work.

This observation appears to be backed up by recent research. A study that came out last fall by economists at the University of California at Irvine and Tulane University found “robust evidence of age discrimination in hiring against older women.” The data show that it is harder for older women to find jobs than it is for older men.

The researchers created 40,000 job applications for fictional job seekers and submitted them to a variety of online job postings. They made resumes for older applicants (ages 64-66), middle-aged applicants (49-51), and younger applicants (29-31). After monitoring employers’ responses to these dummy applications, the researchers concluded that the evidence shows it is more difficult for older female workers to find jobs. For example, the authors reported that the callback rate for middle-aged female sales applicants was lower than for younger ​female​ applicants, while callback rates for middle-aged and young male applicants were similar.

The authors suggested two possible theories for why older women may suffer from age discrimination more than older men: one is that age discrimination laws do not deal effectively with the situation of older women who face both age and gender bias; the other possibility touches on society’s focus on the physical appearance of women, a scrutiny that does not seem to similarly impact men. For example, this appears to be playing out in Hollywood, as actresses like Catherine Zeta-Jones and Kim Cattrall decry the industry’s lack of roles for women in their 40s and older.

For too long, this nexus between age and gender discrimination has been discussed in whispered anecdotes and quietly filed lawsuits. Although this study is a great step in raising the issue, it is striking how little research actually exists on the topic. In order to address and root out age and gender discrimination, there will need to be more future research scoping out the problem and offering recommendations to fix it, and organizations have to take stock and be willing to make changes.

One in three Americans are 50 or older, and by 2030, 1 in 5 will be 65 and above.  As women continue to outlive men, they are more likely to have increased healthcare needs, are more likely to be widowed, and will have fewer years in the workforce to accumulate post-retirement savings and sufficient social security.

Managers need to recognize and root out these biases against older women to ensure a workforce where all generations are embraced for the talents they bring. For 50 to truly become the new 30, we need a workplace that provides equal opportunities for women.

Susan* is a woman in her 60s who has spent decades working in the insurance business. After years of performance reviews describing her outstanding work ethic, her fortunes turned once she started reporting to a woman 20 years her junior. Under her new manager, Susan felt set up to fail—she was assigned more cases and held to much higher standards than her younger colleagues. Susan’s manager issued a formal performance evaluation that characterized her as failing in her duties.  Although Susan was supposed to have 90 days to improve, her manager fired her after a few days. Susan has since sued her employer for age discrimination.

Below are examples given in this article:

Mary* is a 72-year-old sociology professor with significant scholarship credentials, several teaching awards, and an illustrious record, including three stints as department chair.  Her positive career recognition came to an end when the university hired a much younger dean, who denied her funding to hire needed full-time faculty, accused her of poor leadership, and favored her younger colleagues.  The dean eventually told her that he would not approve an additional term for her to serve as department chair.  Mary filed a lawsuit against the university for age discrimination, which was recently settled.

At the age of 64, Jane* had worked as a bartender at a neighborhood bar for more than a decade. The bar was being sold, however, and the buyers told Jane that she was too old to be a bartender, disparaging her age and gender in front of other employees and customers before the sale was finalized.  They did not keep her on, and instead hired significantly younger women. Jane has since filed suit for age and gender discrimination.

Susan, Mary, and Jane represent a variety of backgrounds and positions, but their stories share a theme that is both commonplace and all too often ignored: senior women are being phased out of the workplace. For the past five years, I have traveled across the U.S., speaking and conducting research on women’s leadership and advancement and bias in the workplace. Hundreds of women in their 50s and 60s have shared their stories of demotions, job losses, and the inability to find another job—outcomes they attribute primarily to their age and gender.  These women often have long histories of career success, but they have seen their responsibilities assigned to younger workers, their compensation lowered for inexplicable reasons, and their career mobility impaired by a workplace that seems to value youth over experience.

World Health Organization: Top Issues Women's Health

                                                        Top Issues Women's Health 

I found the following information on the World Health Organization

Dr. Flavia Bustreo, Assistant Director General for Family, Women’s and Children’s Health through the Life-course, World Health Organization
We've come a long way since 1995--and it is time to celebrate women and their achievements. But it is also time to take stock of how women’s rights are fulfilled in the world --especially the right to health. Twenty years after countries signed pledges in the 1995 Beijing Declaration and Platform of Action, women still face many health problems and we must re-commit to addressing them.

Issues regarding women's health that keep me awake at night:

Cancer: Two of the most common cancers affecting women are breast and cervical cancers. Detecting both these cancers early is key to keeping women alive and healthy. The latest global figures show that around half a million women die from cervical cancer and half a million from breast cancer each year. The vast majority of these deaths occur in low and middle income countries where screening, prevention and treatment are almost non-existent, and where vaccination against human papilloma virus needs to take hold.

In 2015, in too many countries, “women’s empowerment” remains a pipedream - little more than a rhetorical flourish added to a politician’s speech...

Dr Flavia Bustreo, ADG

HIV: Three decades into the AIDS epidemic, it is young women who bear the brunt of new HIV infections. Too many young women still struggle to protect themselves against sexual transmission of HIV and to get the treatment they require. This also leaves them particularly vulnerable to tuberculosis - one of the leading causes of death in low-income countries of women 20–59 years.

Sexually transmitted infections: I’ve already mentioned the importance of protecting against HIV and human papillomavirus (HPV) infection (the world’s most common STI). But it is also vital to do a better job of preventing and treating diseases like gonorrhoea, chlamydia and syphilis. Untreated syphilis is responsible for more than 200,000 stillbirths and early foetal deaths every year, and for the deaths of over 90 000 newborns.

Violence against women: Women can be subject to a range of different forms of violence, but physical and sexual violence – either by a partner or someone else – is particularly invidious. Today, one in three women under 50 has experienced physical and/or sexual violence by a partner, or non-partner sexual violence – violence which affects their physical and mental health in the short and long-term. It’s important for health workers to be alert to violence so they can help prevent it, as well as provide support to people who experience it.

Mental health: Evidence suggests that women are more prone than men to experience anxiety, depression, and somatic complaints – physical symptoms that cannot be explained medically. Depression is the most common mental health problem for women and suicide a leading cause of death for women under 60. Helping sensitise women to mental health issues, and giving them the confidence to seek assistance, is vital.

Noncommunicable diseases: In 2012, some 4.7 million women died from noncommunicable diseases before they reached the age of 70 —most of them in low- and middle-income countries. They died as a result of road traffic accidents, harmful use of tobacco, abuse of alcohol, drugs and substances, and obesity -- more than 50% of women are overweight in Europe and the Americas. Helping girls and women adopt healthy lifestyles early on is key to a long and healthy life.

Getting older: Having often worked in the home, older women may have fewer pensions and benefits, less access to health care and social services than their male counterparts. Combine the greater risk of poverty with other conditions of old age, like dementia, and older women also have a higher risk of abuse and generally, poor health.

When I lie awake thinking of women and their health globally, I remind myself: the world has made a lot of progress in recent years. We know more, and we are getting better at applying our knowledge. At providing young girls a good start in life.

And there has been an upsurge in high-level political will – evidenced most recently in the United Nations Secretary-General’s Global Strategy for Women’s and Children’s Health. Use of services, especially those for sexual and reproductive health, has increased in some countries. Two important factors that influence women’s health – namely, school enrolment rates for girls and greater political participation of women - have risen in many parts of the world.

But we are not there yet. In 2015, in too many countries, “women’s empowerment” remains a pipedream - little more than a rhetorical flourish added to a politician’s speech. Too many women are still missing out on the opportunity to get educated, support themselves, and obtain the health services they need, when they need them.

That’s why WHO is working so hard to strengthen health systems and ensure that countries have robust financing systems and sufficient numbers of well-trained, motivated health workers. That’s why WHO, with UN and world partners, are coming together at the UN Commission on Status of Women from 9-20 March 2015 in New York. We will look again at pledges made in the 1995 Beijing Declaration and Platform of Action with a view to renewing the global effort to remove the inequalities that put decent health services beyond so many women’s reach.

And that is why WHO and its partners are developing a new global strategy for women’s, children’s and adolescents’ health, and working to enshrine the health of women in the post 2015 United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals. This means not only setting targets and indicators, but catalysing commitments in terms of policy, financing and action, to ensure that the future will bring health to all women and girls – whoever they are, wherever they live.

Monday, June 25, 2018

AARP Press Release,AARP Invests $60M in the Dementia Discovery Fund to Kick-Start its ‘Disrupt Dementia’ Campaign

AARP Invests $60M in the Dementia Discovery Fund to Kick-Start its ‘Disrupt Dementia’ Campaign


New AARP Physician Survey Underscores the Need for Innovative Solutions to World’s Brain Health Crisis Impacting More Than 50 Million People

AARP Disrupt Dementia Physician Survey
WASHINGTON, DC—With nearly 10 million new cases of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease occurring each year1, and no cure, today AARP launched a new campaign, “Disrupt Dementia.” The campaign aims to help drive new diagnostics and treatments for dementias while providing education, support and hope for patients and family caregivers impacted by the physical, emotional and financial stress of dementia.

The centerpiece of the campaign is AARP’s new $60 million investment in the Dementia Discovery Fund (DDF), the first and largest venture fund focused on discovering and developing effective new drugs for treating dementia. AARP also helped secure the participation of UnitedHealth Group (NYSE: UNH) and Quest Diagnostics (NYSE: DGX), which have invested $10 million and $5 million respectively – totaling $75 million to the DDF’s fight against a condition that has not seen a new approved treatment in 15 years. 

“AARP’s mission is to empower people to choose how they live as they age, but dementia takes that privilege away from millions of Americans and people around the world,” said AARP CEO Jo Ann Jenkins. “The statistics are staggering, and the numbers continue to climb each year. By 2030, there are projected to be 82 million people suffering from dementia2.  And despite decades of research costing billions of dollars, there is still no cure and few ways to treat symptoms of dementia. With today’s investment in the DDF, AARP and our partners have committed to helping find innovative solutions that can reverse the trend of this health crisis and champion brain health.” 

A newly released AARP survey of U.S. physicians shows that doctors are also frustrated with the limited tools available to diagnose and treat dementia for their patients. One in three U.S. physicians surveyed say they feel that current dementia treatment options are poor, and nearly half of physicians strongly agree that there needs to be more diagnostic tools and research for dementia. In fact, most physicians (62 percent) say a lack of diagnostic tools is the greatest impediment to effective treatment. Moreover, there is not significant optimism among physicians for progress anytime soon. Only 10 percent say they are extremely or very optimistic that effective treatment protocols will emerge in the next five years.

The last Alzheimer’s drug was approved more than a decade and a half ago and only brings temporary relief of disease symptoms. Since that time, more than 400 clinical trials have failed. Highly touted research focusing on eliminating plaques and tangles has, unfortunately, not produced safe, effective treatments, and some companies have abandoned their efforts in the face of long odds. Because of this, nearly half of physicians in the new AARP survey say dementia is a hopeless diagnosis. 

And the brain health crisis doesn’t just affect dementia sufferers, but also their friends, family and loved ones. The latest data shows that the impact of dementia on both patients and family caregivers will only continue to grow, as the number of people with the disease in the U.S. is estimated to reach 14 million by 2050, according to research conducted by the Alzheimer’s Association. It is estimated that family caregivers of people with Alzheimer’s and dementia provided 18.4 billion hours of unpaid assistance in 2017 alone, a contribution valued at $232.1 billion nationally3. 

To draw attention to the experiences of patients and family caregivers and to spark bold new solutions for the world’s brain health crisis, AARP is initiating a conversation during national Alzheimer’s & Brain Awareness Month. Today, June 25, AARP is hosting an event in New York City featuring a group of experts in the medical, business and technology sectors as well as notable celebrity guests, including acclaimed journalist and author Katie Couric as the event emcee, and award-winning actress Jane Krakowski, who will share her own personal experience as a dementia caregiver. Following remarks by AARP CEO Jo Ann Jenkins, the experts and advocates who will speak at the event include Kate Bingham, the SV managing partner of the Dementia Discovery Fund; UnitedHealthcare’s Chief Medical Officer Dr. Peter Pronovost; and technology and personal finance reporter and expert, Natali Morris.  Key learnings, tips and content for family caregivers will be shared at for those unable to attend in person.

“Dementia is a devastating disease that affects the lives of millions of people and their families,” said David S. Wichmann, CEO of UnitedHealth Group, a new DDF investor. “UnitedHealth Group is grateful to be part of this important work with AARP because it is grounded in the idea that, by joining together, we can support scientific discovery to help identify and bring to market new and effective therapies that may one day prevent, cure, or slow the progression of dementia.” 

Added Steve Rusckowski, Chairman, President and CEO of Quest Diagnostics, which has also invested in the DDF: “Current efforts to diagnose and treat dementia have not been successful and more needs to be done.  That’s why we’re proud to join forces with AARP and UnitedHealth Group to support the development of new tools and treatment options.”  

Said Kate Bingham of the DDF: “We are thrilled to have received an investment of $60 million from AARP. This investment, together with participation from UnitedHealth Group and Quest Diagnostics, is further recognition of the potential of the DDF’s unique approach to finding important treatments for dementia, including Alzheimer’s disease. It also represents further U.S. interest in the fund, reflecting the global importance of developing new treatments for dementia.” 

For many, the battle isn’t professional, but personal.

“After my family’s personal experience with dementia, I echo AARP’s concerns about this looming health crisis and I applaud the campaign to Disrupt Dementia,” said Jane Krakowski. “The chance to stop the impact of this heartbreaking disease could be nothing short of life changing for so many people, and AARP’s mission to spread education and understanding of the disease has the power to be truly transformative.” 

Since its launch in 2015, the DDF has invested in 16 drug discovery companies and projects, with new investments now made possible because of the backing of AARP, UnitedHealth Group and Quest Diagnostics. By investing in new scientific approaches and applying insights from other areas such as oncology and immunology to develop novel dementia drugs, the DDF seeks to tackle this global challenge from a renewed perspective. 

While research is underway to find treatments and a cure, AARP offers resources and tools on its website for the 16.1 million Americans who care for people living with dementia. The organization continuously works to improve the communities in which people with dementia and their caregivers live, by working with leaders and local governments across the U.S. to adopt “age-friendly” guidelines and develop resources. AARP also founded the Global Council on Brain Health to help people strengthen their brain health and minimize their risk of dementia. And, AARP is part of the National Advisory Council for Dementia Friendly America.

To access information available to family caregivers, visit: To join the conversation on social media, use AARP’s official campaign hashtag, #DisruptDementia. AARP also urges people to share memories of loved ones impacted by dementias or Alzheimer’s on Twitter and Instagram at #HowIRemember.

Women Over 60 Staying Healthy: Exercise

                                            Women Over 60 Staying Healthy : Exercise 

Women over 60 who exercise for at least 30 minutes three times per week have the heart, lungs, and muscles of a woman ten years younger. The kind of exercise that you do depends on what effect you want to see. Stretching promotes flexibility, makes movement easier, and decreases the risk of muscle injury; strength training promotes muscle strength and builds up bones; endurance exercises strengthen the heart and improve overall fitness. The best workouts will combine all three types of exercise.

Each time your foot hits the ground you apply a stress to your bones, which respond by maintaining or sometimes increasing their strength, which can be measured in terms of increased bone mineral density (BMD). The higher the impact of the activity contact, the greater the benefit to your bones. This is why weight-bearing exercises that include running or jumping are of greater benefit to your bone health than gentler weight-bearing exercises such as walking.
These exercises encourage mobility and preserve muscle strength and tone.  Try to do each set at least 10 times a day.


Check out their website for more women's health info!

Women Fitness

Friday, June 22, 2018

Coping When Adult Children Shut You Out


Ideas for coping when your adult child cuts you out of their life.

Allow yourself to grieve – – this is a shocking loss.
Don’t try to pretend all is well, but along with (or after) crying, being angry, etc., begin to take action toward making yourself (your feelings) and your life (how you spend your time) better.
Think of other hard things you’ve gotten through, and tell yourself you CAN and WILL get through this too.coping when an adult child is estranged
Accept that your future is different than you expected … and accept the uncertainty that goes with an adult child’s estrangement. Then allow yourself to believe you can have a good future, even though your path has taken a twist.
Get involved in new things, old things that make you happy … activities you can enjoy. See Lila’s story.
Catch yourself in the act of feeling bad about what you can’t change, and stop the negative thoughts. Shift your perspective.
If you can’t figure out what happened, make a decision to give up asking why. Or settle on an answer for the moment (i.e., he’s following his wife to save his marriage, there’s some other problem you don’t know about, there’s mental illness of some sort, an addiction, etc and so on … whatever fits). Let it go. Some things just can’t be understood.
Focus on the good relationships, and the good parts of your life — and multiply them.
Don’t worry about the judgment of other people, and forgive them for it. But also protect yourself from people who are hurtful to you.
Find activities that fulfill your need to give and receive (love, help, generosity, kindness, etc).

**I found these suggestions on The article is very good, just click the link to read it.

Baby Boomers Defined



Baby boomers are all those born in the United States between 1946 and 1964. As illustrated in Figure 1, in the post–World War II period the General Fertility Rate (GFR) in the United States rose from what had been an all-time low in 1936 of 75.8 children per 1,000 women of childbearing age to a high of 122.7 in 1957—and then fell to a new all-time low of 65.0 in 1976. All races, religions, and ethnic groups participated in the boom. Total births per year during that period grew from 2.3 million to 4.3 million and then fell to 3.2 million. The baby boom is defined as having occurred during the peak years of this roller coaster ride: its legacy was a population bulge destined to leave its imprint on each phase of the life cycle. That imprint included the creation of an "echo boom" of births during the 1980s and 1990s.

Because the baby boom lasted nearly twenty years, many have objected to treating the baby boomers as a single cohort, associating younger baby boomers more with "Generation X" than with older baby boomers—but the original appellation has held through the years, and tends still to refer to the entire population bulge produced during the boom.


Thursday, June 21, 2018

Through the Ages


Teens and older adults have a few things in common.

Both usually don't like the way they look. Both are self conscious about the way we look. Teens may have acne, their bodies are going through changes. Older people, their bodies are changing, they see lines on their faces, we don't like what;s happening to our bodies.

 Both are facing their unknown futures. For teens, fear of adulthood, they may be pulled one way by their parents, friends, other people they love. For older people, it may be their fear of death, fear of the unknown. Family, friends, people that are no longer in your life.

There's an adjustment for older women. I don't feel like a woman in her 60's. I never really thought much about aging in my early 50's. I realized in my mid 50's the way other people saw me had changed.

We are constantly hit with advertising about aging, from magical lotions, facial treatments, to make you look years younger, of course the hair dyes to cover your gray, to medical remedies, drugs that have more possible side effects than benefits.

Our society sends out messages that aging is a bad thing, instead of the fact that it is a natural process. Who wants to be around a negative reminder of your own future? After all, we live in the land of denial.

All the ads we are bombarded with focus youth, staying young, instead of our health and the importance of it.  I think it all sinks into our subconscious.. it is not just ads. It has become a cultural attitude.

Our final destination is ignored. When younger people look at us, I really believe we are a reminder of their own mortality.

Maybe I have it wrong. What are your thoughts?

Artificial intelligence yields new antibiotic

                              A Deep Learning Model Identifies a   New Drug That Can Kill                                Many Species of ...