Thursday, September 28, 2017

Women and Anti-Aging

Women Lose Their Looks, Not Men?

Just as "beauty is more than skin deep" so "they Say" is the way women are treated as they age. But, for this blog today, I am focusing on the way women are treated because of their aging skin and bodies.

I chose the two photos above of two attractive older people. The woman looks a lot like a woman you might see in an ad for a product for a anti-aging. Yet, a woman with the same look would not be portrayed in a movie as the man's wife. Usually, he would have a wife that could be the age of his daughter, or even granddaughter.

In the 1996 movie "First Wives Club" the women are friends, each are divorced, husbands remarried. Goldie Hawn is an actress who went to an audition, expecting to audition for the daugther, Monique and instead they wanted her to be the mother. She is at the bar, depressed and has had a couple of drinks, it pretty much sums up reality.

"I'm not Monique's mother!
- Lansbury's Monique's mother- Shelley Winters is Monique's mother.

- Now, that's good.

- Sean Connery's Monique's mother.

- Perhaps some coffee now.

- I take that back. Sean Connery

is Monique's boyfriend.

He's  100  years old,

but he's still a stud."

In 1978 essay by Susan Sontag titled The Double Standard of Aging, she really explains it well: 
[For women, o]nly one standard of female beauty is sanctioned: the girl.

The great advantage men have is that our culture allows two standards of male beauty: the boy and the man. 

The beauty of a boy resembles the beauty of a girl. In both sexes it is a fragile kind of beauty and flourishes

naturally only in the early part of the life-cycle. 

Happily, men are able to accept themselves under another standard of good looks — heavier, rougher, more thickly 


A man does not grieve when he loses the smooth, unlined, hairless skin of a boy. For he has only exchanged 

one form of attractiveness for another: 

the darker skin of a man’s face, roughened by daily shaving, showing the marks of emotion and the normal lines
of age.

There is no equivalent of this second standard for women. 

The single standard of beauty for women dictates that they must go on having clear skin. Every wrinkle, every line,
every gray hair, is a defeat.  

No wonder that no boy minds becoming a man, while even the passage from girlhood to early womanhood is experienced 

by many women as their downfall,for all women are trained to continue wanting to look like girls.}

I was 20 years old when she that was written. I am turning 60 in November. I would say I began to really noticing a 

difference in the past five years.

My looks have gone through some real changes. Every line on my face seems to have deepened, My weight is a constant battle. My gray hair is really coming in,

and it's not that pretty color I remembered my grandmother had..

I am not hung up on my looks, I had three kids, I have had some health problems..but there are some feelings of guilt, ridiculous.

I do notice a difference many times in "how" I am looked at.. I also used to think as you age, respect would come 
with it.

I have found this not to be the case, with few exceptions.

I realize there is big money in selling all of that anti-aging stuff to women. It's too bad the ads create images 

that for the average old woman, cannot be become reality. Just what she needs, another thing to make her 
feel older. These ridiculous goals of trying to be younger can't be reached and now she will feel like a 
failure, as if she is doing something wrong by aging. 

Instead, we should be encouraging older women to be healthy, to love themselves, to enjoy life..not only to accept themselves, but to embrace and be proud of who they are..

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Older Women and the Battle of Our Skin


                                              Older Women Makeup Tips : Over age 50

This is one thing that I find myself wondering about sometimes, mainly because I see so many older women wearing too much makeup. Some may be wearing the wrong makeup.

When you're younger, you may get away with it. But it's different for older women. We are bombarded with ads that want to sell us creams, lotions, all sorts of potions, with the goal of making us look younger. And then there are hundreds of different makeups, with a huge variety of buy it, get it home, it's too dark or too light. You end up with a drawer full of nothing that works.

After all of this aggravation, I end up wearing no makeup. 

Looking around online for tips can be just as frustrating. 

For me, I don't care about looking younger, I just want to look healthy. I care about my appearance and want makeup that gives me that result.

So, I hope the following tips help..

I found advice on 

1. Your skin is always first.

I like this tip. She says in this tip, the better your skin, the less makeup you'll need. Keeping your skin well-hydrated and exfoliated, you may find all you need is under-eye concealer, mascara if you like and lip balm daily.

Mature skin care:

Moisturize! This will plump up your skin, which will make whatever use on your skin each day go on smoother . In this article, she recommends Neocutis Hyalis, purchased on Amazon. 

Retinol cream

I found this bit of information on

"According to the Mayo Clinic, the first anti-aging products on the marketplace contained retinol, a Vitamin A compound. Vitamin A has been scientifically-proven to help neutralize the free radicals found in the skin cells. These free radicals are responsible for causing our skin cells to break down. This breakdown is what causes wrinkles, age spots, rough skin and other signs of aging skin that a 60-year-old woman will have. In order to get the best results, women should make certain that retinol is the main ingredient in their skin care product states the Mayo Clinic.

Those who want a retinol-based skin care product that is more potent than an over-the-counter one, should visit their dermatologist. They can obtain a prescription-based version of retinol known as tretinoin states the Mayo Clinic. The treatment is applied topically. Tretinoin is approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)."

Your skin naturally produces collagen, but the amount decreases as you age. To replenish collagen, using various skin-care products that have collagen, can help minimize the appearance of fine lines, day and night creams, moisturizers, lipsticks, foundations powders and cleansers.

Exfoliate daily. There are many facial scrubs out there, a lot of people have recommended coconut oil to me. Unfortunately, I had a bad reaction to it, so I cannot use it. My daughters use it and love it.

Of course, a big No, No is going to bed with makeup on.

Every day, first thing in the morning, I apply sunscreen. When I researched articles, that is highly recommended. For me, I have done it for most of my adult life. I have a brother who has melanoma, which is a lesson for me to keep that sunscreen applied each morning. I don't just do it in the summer, on sunny days, I do it every day, all year long. I apply it to my face, neck, ears, even whatever part of my chest is exposed in every day clothes. Of course, my arms and hands. It also helps with sunspots and wrinkles.

Plump up tinning lips with lip gloss. Add a little color first by filling in lips with a lip liner or lipstick a shade or 2 darker than your natural lip color, then add a dab of lip gloss.

Here is advice from

Foundation for You
The perfect foundation will work with your skin type and will be the correct shade. That's it. You'll want creamy formulations for drier skin and lighter, oil-free foundations for oily skin. As for choosing the right shade, you'll want to test the color with the help of a friend or professional. Strong advice: try before you buy or buy from a place with a great return policy.

Use a Primer First
Just as you prime a wall with primer before you paint it, the secret to flawless makeup lies in makeup primer. Applying a layer of primer between your skin and makeup will help your foundation glide on more smoothly.

Use Different Foundations for Summer and in Winter
Our skin changes not only yearly, but seasonally. In winter months, you may need a creamy formula. In summer months you may find your skin becomes oily and a tinted moisturizer will do.

So, I have only just begun...please take a look at the links I provide, there's a lot of information that you may find helpful.

Meanwhile, I will continue down this path and keep sharing here!

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Friday, September 1, 2017

Aging Gracefully


As November gets closer, the big 60 is coming. Yep, hitting that 60 years old mark! I can remember when I was growing up thinking how old that number was! My grandparents, my parents, now, me? Really?

I don't feel my age most of the time. I am grateful to be here, so many don't make it this far. My mother-in-law died at the age of 47, my sister-in-law was only 52, a cousin in his 40's.

I have always loved the outdoors. As a kid, I would be outside, riding bikes, playing games all day. Now, I take walks, taking in the beauty of nature. I am in awe of it all!

I have had health issues in the past and know just how fast life can change. 

Our culture focuses on youth. I feel our most precious treasures are older people. They have been where the youth are going. 

No drama, laugh often, be grateful, love lots!

"Old age is no place for sissies" Bette Davis

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