Tuesday, November 29, 2016

It's My Bloomin' Birthday!


                                        Butterflies are free We are too If we choose to be!

Today, I choose to be and I say Happy Birthday to me!
Living in an area where we have had forest fires for almost two months, we really needed rain. This morning I woke up to rain that had fallen all night. What an amazing birthday gift! I haven't seen the skies this blue in awhile. And I heard birds singing, a sound that's been silent for too long.
I find as I have gotten older, I reflect more on the past. Through the years, I learn to let go of negative, painful times, not to give power to those who have hurt me. 
It's important to focus on gratitude. Appreciate life, be thankful that I am here.
Fortunately, I am able to get outside today, where I really do feel free. Feeling the wind, enjoying the sunshine. 
It is my birthday celebration. And I am very grateful.

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Holidays, Hurtful Times and Giving

Let's face it, for so many people, holidays are really hurtful times. Women tend to talk about those feelings. Speaking for myself, a flood of memories hit me like a wave at this time of year.
I get that "homesick" feeling when thinking of my children when they were young, making the holidays a magical time.
I miss my parents, memories that I tuck away all year make their way to daily thoughts.
So, what do you feel during these times? How do you not only cope with them, but do something to make things better?
I get into my writing, make phone calls to childhood friends I have kept in touch with..they know the real me. I don't just talk, I listen to them.
This year my plan is to do some Christmas shopping for our local pet rescue and also pick up a toy for children in need.
Here are some suggestions you may like:

Volunteer Match  is a great place to find a cause you would like to volunteer, how, where and when.
Animal Humane Society Volunteer From in-shelter support to at-home foster care, volunteers are involved in every part of the work we do at all five of our shelter locations. Our volunteers help make the world a more humane place for animals. (if you can't volunteer, there is always a need for food, blankets, etc.)

Newborns in Need

Clothing for the tiniest children
Four years ago, single mom Sue T. delivered her son Daron 14 weeks early. She was poor, alone, and by her own admission, "jaded and cynical." After searching everywhere for affordable clothing that would fit her preemie, she learned about Newborns in Need, which provides clothing and blankets for poor and premature babies.

"When the boxes arrived with the supplies I needed, it restored my faith in humanity," Sue recalls. Her situation improved, and today, she is a volunteer with the organization, helping other women and infants.

Last year, Newborns in Need volunteers distributed more than 350,000 pieces of clothing and baby gear to 2,000 hospitals, shelters, and families across the country. The organization is looking for donations of blankets, sleepers, gowns, all-in-ones, hats, booties, bottles, pacifiers, and disposable diapers. Contact: 417-967-9441 or https://newbornsinneed.org/

Local Food Pantries, Soup Kitchens are always in need of donations or volunteers.

If you are not able to get out to volunteer, you can always make online donations.

Oh, don't forget about yourself, treat yourself to a day out for you. What would you like to give to you! A piece of jewelry you have wanted, get your nails done, a lunch date with someone you haven't seen in awhile..do something for yourself that you would usually make you feel guilty!

**So, today's Bloom, make yourself feel better by giving, to others and to yourself!**


Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Technology and Family



Technology has had positive and negative influences on people's lives in so many ways.
Older people are no exception. 
Some of the positive ways, on a tech device it's usually easy to have a video call with our adult children and grandchildren. A simple emoji or a nice text message can be sent. Sending and receiving photographs and videos help us to see our family.
The downside: A text message on a special day instead of a phone call, not hearing you children's or grandchildren's voices for months at a time. The special times you may have had as a child with your own grandmother was something you wanted with your own grandchildren.
Yes, we understand that our children have their own lives, but to not even include us with a visit ever once in awhile, actually calling rather than texting.
Do you find yourself looking at your cell phone and wondering why they don't call? You can't figure it out because there hasn't been an argument, nothing you can pinpoint that was said or done to cause friction.
It's hard to find a way of coping with the emotional pain. There's no easy way to bring it up.
All I can tell you is that you are not alone, there are many older people out there going through the same thing.
No, technology is not the only reason for this confusing situation. But it's a convenient way for a relationship to be placed at a distance.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Older Women's Health: 5 Ways to Build Each Other Up


Let's talk women's health! What we do daily make a difference..but it is so easy to just fall into old patterns. Little changes can make a big difference. If you don't have someone to partner up with to help make these changes, there are a lot of online groups for support. A big benefit of being part of an online group is you're helping each other. 
Below is an article from womenshealth.gov. What do you find helps you make positive changes in your life? 
Feel free to share in the comments!

June 23, 2016 • By Dr. Nancy C. Lee, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Health — Women's Health and Director, Office on Women's Health
We make decisions that affect our health all day long — when to go to bed, how many drinks to have, whether or not to exercise, and so on. Our choices are often influenced by the people around us. For example, if your partner wants to skip the gym, you might want to follow suit. Think about how much easier it would be to make the healthy decision if the people around you were making that choice, too. When it comes to our health, a little support can go a long way!

A man and woman exercising togetherIt's Men's Health Month — the perfect time to team up with a man in your life to make healthy choices together. Grab your partner, roommate, friend, or father and commit to building each other up. So often our health rises and falls with those around us, so try these five tips to help you make smarter choices together:

Sync up your workouts. Physical activity has so many health benefits, including improving sleep, reducing stress, and lowering your risk for some serious diseases. It can be easier to stick to your workouts if someone is holding you accountable. You can walk, run, hike, or bike together. If you like different activities, set aside time on both of your calendars so that you do them at the same time. You can even start a friendly competition to see who can log more steps, miles, or minutes. And if you can do some of your workouts together, that can have the additional benefit of togetherness.
Cut back on alcohol. You know that if you drink, you should do it in moderation. But did you know that the Dietary Guidelines for Americans defines moderate drinking as up to one drink per day for women and up to two drinks per day for men? To put that in perspective, a regular bottle of wine has five glasses in it. It can be easy to get carried away, especially if the other person is indulging, so decide to cut back together. Plan for alcohol-free nights and, when you do drink, savor it and sip slowly. It'll save you a lot of added calories.
Say "no" to tobacco — together. I've said it before, and I'll say it again: Quitting is the best thing you can do for your health. But there's no denying that it's hard work. It's even tougher for those trying to quit around someone else who smokes. Find your reasons for quitting together, whether it's wanting to be healthier, saving money, or protecting those around you. Then come up with a plan for quitting. What works for one of you may not work for the other, and that's okay. The key is to support each other and to hold each other to your shared goal of being smoke-free.
Snack smarter. It's easy to forget about the snack you munch on in front of the TV or the cracker-and-cheese appetizer you eat while making dinner. But those calories add up, and they often don't offer many nutrients. Come up with ways to snack healthier together. Instead of eating snacks right out of the bag or box, put them in a small bowl. You can also try swapping sugary or salty snacks with healthier, lower calorie options like fruits and vegetables. Cut up your vegetables ahead of time so that they're ready to go when you need a pick-me-up. Don't have time to prep? That's okay — buying a premade vegetable tray is always a good option. Get more healthy eating tips.
Talk about your health. Talk openly and honestly about your goals so you can help each other reach them. It's also important to talk about any health concerns you may have. Encourage the man in your life to take his symptoms seriously and to get regular care — even if he feels fine. If one of you hates going to the doctor, schedule your checkups for the same day and go together. Preventive care helps you stay healthy for the long run and catches problems early when they're easiest to treat.
These are just a few ways that you and an important man in your life can inspire each other to improve your health together. Start small and set realistic goals. Remember, every day is a new opportunity to make healthier choices than you did the day before, so start today. Team up for a longer, healthier life!

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Pearls of Wisdom by Older Woman

Today's Bloom  "Pearls of Wisdom by Older Woman"  

Remember, you are unique, Embrace Yourself, Trust Your Instinct, Never lose your Inspiration

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Feeling Younger..What Works for You?


Well, this photograph is courtesy of Pinterest, I love the quote, the woman, her pose and the way she is dressed! Not to mention her wonderful, confident smile!

"They Say" you're only as young as you feel..let's face it, some days we all feel like a kid, some days, we feel much older than my actual age, don't you think?

What do you find helps you feel younger? A new haircut, a new outfit? Maybe wearing a smile for awhile?

I find sometimes just getting outdoors, calling a friend or listening to my favorite music.

What works for you? Feel free to share in the comment section!

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Susan B. Anthony is Honored Today

Today is Election Day November 8, 2016. Susan B. Anthony's headstone has a lot of "I Voted" stickers on it. What an awesome way to honor the Pioneering Women's Rights Activist! There has been a steady stream of visitors all day, people smiling, taking selfies next to the headstone. 

This election we have a woman presidential candidate of a major party, Hillary Clinton running. I had wondered if people realized how this was such an important historic event, especially as I watched Hillary voting, for herself.

Well, I don't have to wonder anymore after everything I have been reading and watching online. 

At a time when so many are busy with tech gadgets, social networking, not really taking time to stop and think of the times we live in, let alone the past, this is pretty cool.

I want to give a shout out to Susan B. Anthony for making this all possible!

There is great information about Susan B. Anthony here

Friday, November 4, 2016

How Does Society Stereotype Older Women?

Maggie's Bloom today, How Older Woman are stereotyped.

Our society focuses on youth, and we have lost respect of older people in general. Growing up, I always looked up to my grandparents. 
That respect is even less for older women. Older men, become distinguished looking,their gray hair, lines on their face, are signs of wisdom.
Those same lines and gray hair for women must be hidden. We are sold this in ads every day, we buy into it and so does society.
There is a quote that I really like, "So much has been said and sung of beautiful young girls. Why doesn't somebody wake up to the beauty of older women." Harriet Beecher Stowe
Well, I say, let's be that somebody! Let's talk about our beauty! 
Society needs to see our beauty! We are so much more than skin deep! We are strong, we have our individual life experience, knowledge to share.
Don't take us for granted. Our path in this life continues, we are not done. We have so much to offer.
What are your thoughts? Let's sing our own song! 

Thursday, November 3, 2016

I Voted...Let's Rock On!

Well, I voted this morning. I have to say, I am glad I fulfilled my obligation. Plus, now I  can gripe if things don't go my way.                                                                                 

Anyway, Let's have  Positive Blooms For this Election.

"Remember when Halloween was the scary night of the year when we were kids? Well, now it's Election night!" me

Do you ever get the feeling that the only reason we have elections is to find out if the polls were right? Robert Orben

                        So, get out and vote! Keep your sense of humor! And let's Rock On!

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

November Bloom

November is here, only memories and remnants of summer .
Another year coming to an end.
Breathing in autumn colors, savoring all scents surrounding me.
Taking it all in, feelings of gratitude to be part of it all.

Artificial intelligence yields new antibiotic

                              A Deep Learning Model Identifies a   New Drug That Can Kill                                Many Species of ...