Monday, March 20, 2017

We are Amazing!

                                                                We Are Amazing!

Wow, I was researching articles that are positive about women and aging. I came upon one very interesting one by Noelle Nelson written in April 2016 in Huffington Post.
In the article, she has a new name for Boomers! The Amazings!
Nelson writes:
"We are busting preconceptions, forcing by our very numbers, the world to look at us differently. We are redefining the years past 60 as years of growth, joy, fun, adventure, even romance! What we Amazings want Millennials (and every generation) to know, is that these individuals are not the exception. There are over 45 million people in the United States alone who are 65 and over (44.7 in 2013, according to the US Census). Most of these individuals are happy, healthy, and having a grand old time."

Reading the full article, she says that anyone can be an Amazing! Living positively, gratitude, and make "a deliberate decision to see the passage of years as simply movement through time."

Yep, and she also points out that all this, along with, happiness, optimism, helps us with our physical and mental well being!

I love what she wrote! Read her article about The Amazings

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