Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Face Book Messenger, "The Next Best Thing to Being There"

                         That's me in the blue, my youngest daughter & my youngest grandchildren

We took a trip to see our youngest daughter, in Florida. I miss her and her family so much, the time together was precious.

My daughter and I call each other on Face Book messenger and we also do video calls. It really helps to be able to see her and then to see the children. At their age, they grow up so fast.

If you have a Face Book account and want to be able to keep in touch with people far away, this is a great way to do it! If you use a cellphone, you don't have to worry about your minutes because you're online. It's very easy to use. It's a great way to send photos back and forth, too.

Remember the old phone commercial, "Long distance is the next best thing to being there." Well, now, for me, it's through Face Book messenger!

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