Thursday, March 30, 2017

Tea Helps Your Brain!


We hear so many things that we should do to be healthy, after awhile, we may just tune it all out. Try to stay tuned in as I talk about it again, okay?
Older people, well, we have a lot of concerns, so I thought I would research the subject.
Health is a major concern as we get older and we read so much about cognitive decline. 
On Medical News Today it recommends drinking tea, glad to hear it because I drink a lot of tea! Here is part of what they said:

Thanks to its high levels of antioxidants, tea has been linked to a lower risk of diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. However, its potential health benefits may not end there. Researchers have found that regular tea consumption could more than halve the risk of cognitive decline for older adults, particularly for those with a genetic risk of Alzheimer's disease.
[A cup of tea with some tea leaves]
New research suggests that regular tea intake could lower the risk of cognitive decline in later life.
Tea is one of the most popular beverages in the United States; in 2015, more than 3.6 billion gallons of tea were consumed in the country, with black tea being the favorite.

The possible health benefits of tea consumption have been well documented. A recent study published in The American Journal of Public Health, for example, associated moderate tea intake with a reduced risk of cardiovascular events.

* In the same article it talks about green tea, which I've come to really like!
Past research has suggested that drinking tea may also have brain benefits, with one study linking green tea consumption to better working memory.

Hot tea has more benefits than iced tea. but according to Prevention very little. 

Monday, March 20, 2017

We are Amazing!

                                                                We Are Amazing!

Wow, I was researching articles that are positive about women and aging. I came upon one very interesting one by Noelle Nelson written in April 2016 in Huffington Post.
In the article, she has a new name for Boomers! The Amazings!
Nelson writes:
"We are busting preconceptions, forcing by our very numbers, the world to look at us differently. We are redefining the years past 60 as years of growth, joy, fun, adventure, even romance! What we Amazings want Millennials (and every generation) to know, is that these individuals are not the exception. There are over 45 million people in the United States alone who are 65 and over (44.7 in 2013, according to the US Census). Most of these individuals are happy, healthy, and having a grand old time."

Reading the full article, she says that anyone can be an Amazing! Living positively, gratitude, and make "a deliberate decision to see the passage of years as simply movement through time."

Yep, and she also points out that all this, along with, happiness, optimism, helps us with our physical and mental well being!

I love what she wrote! Read her article about The Amazings

Friday, March 17, 2017

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Happy St. Patrick's Day!
Every St. Patrick's Day brings back memories of my mom. She was so proud to be Irish!
About a week before, she would pull out her album with those beautiful Irish songs. Singing along as she went about her daily tasks.
She would put green ribbons in our hair and of course made sure we wore green!
I  am sure today she is up above singing to those wonderful songs!
Happy St. Patrick's  Day, mom!

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Not a diet. Healthy Eating.


I will be turning 60 this year and know that I need to make changes.

This past year I found out I had a small hiatal hernia: (Hiatal hernia occurs when a small part of your stomach slides up into your chest through a weak spot, or hiatus, in your diaphragm. A symptomatic hiatal hernia regurgitates stomach acid back into your esophagus, causing the heartburn, difficulty swallowing and chest pain associated with gastroesophageal reflux disease, or GERD. To manage a hiatal hernia, Cleveland Clinic advises you to maintain a healthy weight, stop smoking, eat small meals at least three hours to four hours before lying down and avoid fatty and acidic foods. Consult your doctor for advice and fill your plate with healthy foods to help alleviate symptoms.)
One thing I have done is add a probiotic every day. I have digestive issues that I never had before and it has made a big difference.
Looking at food recommendations, if you have any digestive issues, you may want to take a look.
On : Vegetables and Fruits

Vegetables are a great choice for side dishes and snacks as most won't aggravate a hiatal hernia. Dark leafy greens, such as broccoli and spinach, provide plenty of calcium and vitamin B, while red bell peppers and carrots are great sources of antioxidants. Other vegetables you can enjoy include kale, sweet potatoes, squash and string beans. Fruits containing antioxidants may help reduce or prevent symptoms from occurring, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center. Healthy fruits include apricots, cherries, raspberries, blueberries and cantaloupe. Avoid acidic and citrus fruits, such as tomatoes, grapefruit and oranges, because they can aggravate your heartburn.

Choose whole grains over refined starches to add fiber to your diet. Brown rice, steel-cut oatmeal, quinoa, whole-grain pasta and rye bread are smart whole-grain fiber choices. Avoid processed foods containing refined starches and sugar, such as commercially packaged cookies, cakes, crackers and white bread. Refined starches are also loaded with trans fatty acids; choose healthy fats, such as olive oil and safflower oil, instead. Keep your dairy choices low-fat because high-fat products may aggravate your hiatal hernia. Choose low-fat and no-fat milk, cottage cheese, sour cream and yogurt to add dairy to your diet.

Water is the best beverage choice if you have a hiatal hernia. Avoid fruit juices, coffee and caffeinated beverages because they may cause hiatal hernia symptoms to appear. Alcohol and carbonated sodas may also cause problems. Herbal teas are fine, but stay away from peppermint tea because it may cause heartburn.

Most hiatal hernias aren't problematic, but if you do experience symptoms, consult your physician. Medications, by prescription and over-the-counter, can alleviate the symptoms of hiatal hernia, but take them only under your doctor's supervision. Speak to your health care provider or dietitian before making any changes to your diet if you are pregnant or have a serious medical condition, such as diabetes or heart disease.

*Making these changes isn't that hard and is worth it!

*I am not a medical professional. Please consult your doctor before making any changes in diet and exercise.

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