Monday, January 23, 2017

                   Women Over 50 Fashion

Fashion is not really my thing, no surprise to people who know me.
Since we do have to wear clothes, I thought I would talk about where to get clothes for daily wear at a reasonable price.
Take a look at Amazon. 
There  great choices in tops, pants, skirts, socks and more!

This is one I really like, great color choices and price!

This is cool, too! 

Check this out!

These are just a few examples, these look comfy and I guess you could feel in style!
I just discovered this on Amazon, so maybe now I can combine fashion and comfort!
How about you?

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Older Women Rock!


We all know how fast time goes..we have all heard it when we were younger. It never meant much back then, why would it?
When I am outside walking my dog, feeling the wind in my face and enjoying the sun, it takes me back decades. I am grateful for those memories and for the new moments I have now to add to those memories.
I don't feel old. Sometimes I wish people couldn't see your age. Not so much because of my looks, but the way they look at you. The way they see you. There are so many assumptions about older people. 
And there doesn't seem the interest to know us. I loved being around my grandmother. There was always a special feeling when I was with her. I have always gotten along well with older people. There's a connection.
Do what makes you feel good. Listen to music you love, write, walk, if you cannot walk on your own, get someone to take you. If you cannot get outside, watch videos of the outdoors, listen to sounds of the outdoors. Whatever makes you happy.
I made the following video for this blog. I hope you enjoy. Maybe it'll make you smile.

Artificial intelligence yields new antibiotic

                              A Deep Learning Model Identifies a   New Drug That Can Kill                                Many Species of ...