Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Happy New Year? New Resolutions?

                                                          Ring in the New Year, Happy!

No matter how you spend New Year's Eve and ring in the 2017, I wish you happiness.  If you are alone, you are not the only one.
According to AARP, isolation among adults 50 and older is a growing epidemic, thanks in part to the changing face of American society:

45 percent of adults over 65 are divorced, separated or widowed.
28 percent of those over 65 — and 46 percent of women — live alone.

For so many people, of all ages, dread the holidays. Somehow, knowing that doesn't make one feel better.

We spend New Year's Eve at home. Yes, we used to ring in the New Year with Dick Clark. Now, we tune into Rockin' New Years  Eve to watch the ball drop.

This week, I am making some resolutions. One begins now, making a gratitude list from this year.

1) I am grateful for my health.
2) I am grateful for my husband.
3) I am grateful for my family..all grown with families of their own.
4) I am grateful for my dog, Missy.
5) I am grateful for our home.
6) I am grateful for friends and neighbors.
7) I am grateful that we downsized and have less stress.
8) I am grateful I am here.

On New Year's Eve, while others may enjoy the hustle and bustle of going out and being part of a crowd, I prefer a quiet evening. A night of appreciation.

I will be looking back on past years and looking forward to the next one.


Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Ways women over 50 can achieve financial fitness before retirement Part 3


Fitness Mind & Body

When we think about financial goals, fitness of mind & body most likely isn't something we think about.. 

the following info was found on webmd

A complete fitness program must include the following:

Aerobic exercise. Walking, jogging, swimming, and dance exercise are good ones to try. Aerobic exercise works the large muscles in your body, benefitting your cardiovascular system -- and your weight. Work up to getting 20 or more minutes per session, 3 or 4 days a week. Make sure you can pass the “talk test,” which means exercising at a pace that lets you carry on a conversation.
Strength training. Lifting hand weights improves your strength and posture, maintains bone strength, reduces the risk of lower back injury, and also helps you tone. Start with a hand weight that you can comfortably handle for eight repetitions. Gradually add more reps until you can complete 12.
Stretching. Stretching exercises help maintain flexibility and range of motion in joints. They also reduce the risk of injury and muscle soreness. Yoga and Pilates are good forms of stretching exercise; they build core body strength and increase stability.
Make Exercise a Part of Your Daily Routine

Every bit of movement counts. If you're too busy for a regular workout, look for other ways to be in motion. Research shows that all those extra steps you take during the day add up to big health benefits. Here are some ideas to get you on your feet:

Adopt a dog and take it for walks every day.
Take the stairs instead of the elevator. At home, don't shout at your family members from the stairs -- go on up.
Get up and talk with co-workers, rather than sending emails. Have a meeting with one or two colleagues? Take it outside and make it a walking meeting.
Walk briskly whenever you can. Always wear comfortable shoes, or bring them with you, so that your feet can be your main mode of transportation.
Find a sport, game, or activity you like. You’ll stay committed to exercising if you’re doing something that you enjoy.

WebMD Medical Reference Reviewed by Nivin Todd, MD on April 17, 2015

the following is my view

I can tell you that having a dog forces me to get up, get out and walk. 
If it's not possible to have a dog, ask a friend to walk with, this way you can support each other to get out and walk.
Join a fitness center, most offer reduced rates for older people.

Ways women over 50 can achieve financial fitness before retirement part 2

                      Ways women over 50 can achieve financial fitness before retirement

the following info was found on

By and large, women over 50 will have different financial challenges than their male counterparts, so keeping financially fit is important. 

Keeping physically fit is always important, but as we age, it becomes even more imperative to maintaining quality of life. Keeping physically fit is always important, but as we age, it becomes even more imperative to maintaining quality of life. According to personal finance expert and Next Avenue contributor Kerry Hannon, the same is true for financial fitness.

Hannon stresses the importance of “financial fitness” for women, and especially for female members of the baby boomer generation, who are now entering their fifties and beyond. “Women have been part of the workforce more in this generation than before,” Hannon says, they are also likely to stay in the workforce longer. The full retirement age for Social Security has risen from 65 to 67, and, according to Transamerica Center for Retirement Studies’ “Fifteen Facts About Women’s Retirement Outlook,” 57 percent of women plan to retire after age 65 or not at all.
the following is my view

So, let's take a look at that last paragraph. Wow, 57 % of women plan to work past age 65, or not at all. Gee, I would love to know how many of that percentage of women are not planning to retire at all. I bet it would be a large part of that number.
When I hear on the news how the younger generation is the first to live as well financially as their parents, I think, oh really? How wrong that is... My parents were not rich, but my dad was able to retire and have pensions from two places he had worked, my mom was able to receive social security, although she never had a full time paid job. She did work part time throughout the years. She also raised six children. Now, so many women will not get social security and in reality, how many people, men or women are retiring now with pensions from 20 years or more?

Women face some unique challenges in planning for their financial future. Women famously earn 78 cents for every dollar earned by men. In a recent article for Next Avenue, Hannon points out that women are more likely to deviate from their career paths by taking time off to raise children or care for aging parents. They also tend to work for smaller firms and nonprofits that may not offer to match employees’ contributions to their retirement savings plans, if they offer a plan at all. On top of that, Hannon says, “most American women will find themselves single at some point from the age of 65 to the end of life.” This means women should be prepared to navigate the financial world on their own in their golden years.
Research suggests the average American woman does not believe she is up to the challenge. A Fidelity study released in February found that 82 percent of women were confident in their ability to budget and manage their daily finances, but only 37 percent of women felt confident planning for their retirement. Hannon offers the following financial fitness regimen for women in their 50s who are seeking to increase their financial know-how.

my view

It's kind of baffling that women feel they are not able to plan for their retirement. Yet they are usually the ones raising the children, balancing a job outside of the home, balancing money between childcare, food, bills, clothing, and emergencies.
Women usually put everyone first, and don't focus on their health, so it makes sense they wouldn't in later years.
In the next post, let's look at making time for ourselves. Fitness of mind and body.

Beginning article

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Ways women over 50 can achieve financial fitness before retirement Part 1


Today's post will be the beginning of a few blooms. My thoughts are going into overtime!

Let's look at older women in the U.S. and money.

Income & Employment

The following is from Nation Counseling on Aging

The average older adult receiving Supplemental Security Income gets just $433 each month. (Social Security Administration)
Older women typically receive about $4,000 less annually in Social Security than older men due to lower lifetime earnings, time taken off for caregiving, occupational segregation into lower wage work, and other issues. Older women of color fare even worse.

Over 25 million Americans aged 60+ are economically insecure—living at or below 250% of the federal poverty level (FPL) ($29,425 per year for a single person). These older adults struggle with rising housing and health care bills, inadequate nutrition, lack of access to transportation, diminished savings, and job loss. For older adults who are above the poverty level, one major adverse life event can change today’s realities into tomorrow’s troubles.

Poverty Measures

22% of married Social Security recipients and 47% of single recipients aged 65+ depend on Social Security for 90% or more of their income. (Social Security Administration)
More accurate measures of economic well-being—including Wider Opportunities for Women’s Elder Economic Security Standard™ Index and the Institute on Assets and Social Policy’s Senior Financial Stability Index—show millions of older adults struggling to meet their monthly expenses, even though they’re not considered “poor” because they live above the FPL, which is $11,770 for a single elder.

In my next post, we'll look at "6 ways women over 50 can achieve financial fitness before retirement" information from

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Humor Only Older Women Can Understand, Old School


I really like this photo of Phyllis Diller. It is perfect for today's bloom, Humor only older woman can understand!

I grew up watching Phyllis. I always thought she was funny because of the way she dressed and her laugh!

As I have gotten older, I appreciate her humor more! I want to share some with you and then I will post a short video so if you're not familiar with her, you'll get a look at her performance!

Always be nice to your children because they are the ones who will choose your rest home.
PHYLLIS DILLER, Like a Lampshade in a Whorehouse

Old age is when the liver spots show through your gloves.
PHYLLIS DILLER, attributed, Funny Ladies: The Best Humor from America's Funniest Women

PHYLLIS DILLER, attributed, The Little Giant Encyclopedia of Inspirational Quotes
You know you're getting old when your back starts going out more than you do.
PHYLLIS DILLER, Housekeeping Hints
I was born at home on newspapers ... I still have a story on my butt, although now the print is much larger.

My photographs don't do me justice - they just look like me.
PHYLLIS DILLER, attributed, Put Your House on a Diet

PHYLLIS DILLER, attributed, Women Know Everything!: 3,241 Quips, Quotes & Brilliant Remarks
Whatever you may look like, marry a man your own age -- as your beauty fades, so will his eyesight.

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Pennies from Heaven


                                                 Pennies from Heaven, Thanks Mom!

My mom loved pennies! I remember a few years before she died in 2002, a classmate sent her four pennies. The years of the pennies were from each year they attended high school.
Mom used to love to wrap pennies and give them to my children when they were little.

After my mom died, I stopped into see my dad and he said, "You know, your mother leaves pennies in the strangest places around the house."
I have found pennies many time left by my mom. One day I was taking the dogs outside and noticed butterflies at the end of the driveway. They were beautiful, black with blue spots.
I walked up to them, four of them were on the pavement in a circle, in the center of the circle was a penny. When they flew away, I picked up the penny and thanked my mom.

My youngest daughter was having her first baby, I was with her and so was her mother-in-law. She looked at me and said, "Grandma won't be here to see the baby." I assured her that she would.
A few minutes later, her mother-in-law looked at the floor, picked up a penny and showed it to us. It hadn't been there before, she commented. My daughter and I looked at each other and smiled. I said, "I told you grandma would be here!"
One morning I got up and walked into the dining room with my coffee. On the table directly in front of the two middle chairs, straight across from each other, were two pennies. Now, the night before, all of my children and grandchildren were over for a visit. I had cleared the table and polished it, so I knew the pennies weren't on the table.

I am grateful to find pennies sent by my mom!

****My mom has been gone for 14 years and throughout that time, I have found pennies from her. There is no doubt in my mind that they are from my mom.
I remember her showing me a gift from someone who went to high school with her about 5 years before she died. There were four pennies, one for each year of high school she attended. The person remembered how much she loved pennies!
When my kids were growing up, my mom would give them pennies that she had wrapped. 
After my mom died and I visited my dad, a lot of times he'd say to me, "I find pennies from your mother in the strangest places."

Pennies from Heaven! Thanks Mom!

Marjorie Farrington ©

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Dolly Parton Has a Heart of Gold


Dolly Parton has a heart of gold. She has never forgotten her roots. She is heart broken over the wildfires in Gatlinburg and has setup a #mypeoplefund to help those whom have lost so much.

Dolly is a wonderful example of a successful, talented woman, known by people of all ages. She has not let success change who she is!

The wildfires in western North Carolina and Tennessee have been so awful..the Gatlinburg fire will go down in the history books. It is a tourist town in the mountains. Dollywood is located in Pigeon Forge, no harm came to it.

I have so much respect and admiration for Dolly! Thanks, Dolly, for all you give!

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

It's My Bloomin' Birthday!


                                        Butterflies are free We are too If we choose to be!

Today, I choose to be and I say Happy Birthday to me!
Living in an area where we have had forest fires for almost two months, we really needed rain. This morning I woke up to rain that had fallen all night. What an amazing birthday gift! I haven't seen the skies this blue in awhile. And I heard birds singing, a sound that's been silent for too long.
I find as I have gotten older, I reflect more on the past. Through the years, I learn to let go of negative, painful times, not to give power to those who have hurt me. 
It's important to focus on gratitude. Appreciate life, be thankful that I am here.
Fortunately, I am able to get outside today, where I really do feel free. Feeling the wind, enjoying the sunshine. 
It is my birthday celebration. And I am very grateful.

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Holidays, Hurtful Times and Giving

Let's face it, for so many people, holidays are really hurtful times. Women tend to talk about those feelings. Speaking for myself, a flood of memories hit me like a wave at this time of year.
I get that "homesick" feeling when thinking of my children when they were young, making the holidays a magical time.
I miss my parents, memories that I tuck away all year make their way to daily thoughts.
So, what do you feel during these times? How do you not only cope with them, but do something to make things better?
I get into my writing, make phone calls to childhood friends I have kept in touch with..they know the real me. I don't just talk, I listen to them.
This year my plan is to do some Christmas shopping for our local pet rescue and also pick up a toy for children in need.
Here are some suggestions you may like:

Volunteer Match  is a great place to find a cause you would like to volunteer, how, where and when.
Animal Humane Society Volunteer From in-shelter support to at-home foster care, volunteers are involved in every part of the work we do at all five of our shelter locations. Our volunteers help make the world a more humane place for animals. (if you can't volunteer, there is always a need for food, blankets, etc.)

Newborns in Need

Clothing for the tiniest children
Four years ago, single mom Sue T. delivered her son Daron 14 weeks early. She was poor, alone, and by her own admission, "jaded and cynical." After searching everywhere for affordable clothing that would fit her preemie, she learned about Newborns in Need, which provides clothing and blankets for poor and premature babies.

"When the boxes arrived with the supplies I needed, it restored my faith in humanity," Sue recalls. Her situation improved, and today, she is a volunteer with the organization, helping other women and infants.

Last year, Newborns in Need volunteers distributed more than 350,000 pieces of clothing and baby gear to 2,000 hospitals, shelters, and families across the country. The organization is looking for donations of blankets, sleepers, gowns, all-in-ones, hats, booties, bottles, pacifiers, and disposable diapers. Contact: 417-967-9441 or

Local Food Pantries, Soup Kitchens are always in need of donations or volunteers.

If you are not able to get out to volunteer, you can always make online donations.

Oh, don't forget about yourself, treat yourself to a day out for you. What would you like to give to you! A piece of jewelry you have wanted, get your nails done, a lunch date with someone you haven't seen in something for yourself that you would usually make you feel guilty!

**So, today's Bloom, make yourself feel better by giving, to others and to yourself!**


Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Technology and Family



Technology has had positive and negative influences on people's lives in so many ways.
Older people are no exception. 
Some of the positive ways, on a tech device it's usually easy to have a video call with our adult children and grandchildren. A simple emoji or a nice text message can be sent. Sending and receiving photographs and videos help us to see our family.
The downside: A text message on a special day instead of a phone call, not hearing you children's or grandchildren's voices for months at a time. The special times you may have had as a child with your own grandmother was something you wanted with your own grandchildren.
Yes, we understand that our children have their own lives, but to not even include us with a visit ever once in awhile, actually calling rather than texting.
Do you find yourself looking at your cell phone and wondering why they don't call? You can't figure it out because there hasn't been an argument, nothing you can pinpoint that was said or done to cause friction.
It's hard to find a way of coping with the emotional pain. There's no easy way to bring it up.
All I can tell you is that you are not alone, there are many older people out there going through the same thing.
No, technology is not the only reason for this confusing situation. But it's a convenient way for a relationship to be placed at a distance.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Older Women's Health: 5 Ways to Build Each Other Up


Let's talk women's health! What we do daily make a difference..but it is so easy to just fall into old patterns. Little changes can make a big difference. If you don't have someone to partner up with to help make these changes, there are a lot of online groups for support. A big benefit of being part of an online group is you're helping each other. 
Below is an article from What do you find helps you make positive changes in your life? 
Feel free to share in the comments!

June 23, 2016 • By Dr. Nancy C. Lee, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Health — Women's Health and Director, Office on Women's Health
We make decisions that affect our health all day long — when to go to bed, how many drinks to have, whether or not to exercise, and so on. Our choices are often influenced by the people around us. For example, if your partner wants to skip the gym, you might want to follow suit. Think about how much easier it would be to make the healthy decision if the people around you were making that choice, too. When it comes to our health, a little support can go a long way!

A man and woman exercising togetherIt's Men's Health Month — the perfect time to team up with a man in your life to make healthy choices together. Grab your partner, roommate, friend, or father and commit to building each other up. So often our health rises and falls with those around us, so try these five tips to help you make smarter choices together:

Sync up your workouts. Physical activity has so many health benefits, including improving sleep, reducing stress, and lowering your risk for some serious diseases. It can be easier to stick to your workouts if someone is holding you accountable. You can walk, run, hike, or bike together. If you like different activities, set aside time on both of your calendars so that you do them at the same time. You can even start a friendly competition to see who can log more steps, miles, or minutes. And if you can do some of your workouts together, that can have the additional benefit of togetherness.
Cut back on alcohol. You know that if you drink, you should do it in moderation. But did you know that the Dietary Guidelines for Americans defines moderate drinking as up to one drink per day for women and up to two drinks per day for men? To put that in perspective, a regular bottle of wine has five glasses in it. It can be easy to get carried away, especially if the other person is indulging, so decide to cut back together. Plan for alcohol-free nights and, when you do drink, savor it and sip slowly. It'll save you a lot of added calories.
Say "no" to tobacco — together. I've said it before, and I'll say it again: Quitting is the best thing you can do for your health. But there's no denying that it's hard work. It's even tougher for those trying to quit around someone else who smokes. Find your reasons for quitting together, whether it's wanting to be healthier, saving money, or protecting those around you. Then come up with a plan for quitting. What works for one of you may not work for the other, and that's okay. The key is to support each other and to hold each other to your shared goal of being smoke-free.
Snack smarter. It's easy to forget about the snack you munch on in front of the TV or the cracker-and-cheese appetizer you eat while making dinner. But those calories add up, and they often don't offer many nutrients. Come up with ways to snack healthier together. Instead of eating snacks right out of the bag or box, put them in a small bowl. You can also try swapping sugary or salty snacks with healthier, lower calorie options like fruits and vegetables. Cut up your vegetables ahead of time so that they're ready to go when you need a pick-me-up. Don't have time to prep? That's okay — buying a premade vegetable tray is always a good option. Get more healthy eating tips.
Talk about your health. Talk openly and honestly about your goals so you can help each other reach them. It's also important to talk about any health concerns you may have. Encourage the man in your life to take his symptoms seriously and to get regular care — even if he feels fine. If one of you hates going to the doctor, schedule your checkups for the same day and go together. Preventive care helps you stay healthy for the long run and catches problems early when they're easiest to treat.
These are just a few ways that you and an important man in your life can inspire each other to improve your health together. Start small and set realistic goals. Remember, every day is a new opportunity to make healthier choices than you did the day before, so start today. Team up for a longer, healthier life!

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Pearls of Wisdom by Older Woman

Today's Bloom  "Pearls of Wisdom by Older Woman"  

Remember, you are unique, Embrace Yourself, Trust Your Instinct, Never lose your Inspiration

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Feeling Younger..What Works for You?


Well, this photograph is courtesy of Pinterest, I love the quote, the woman, her pose and the way she is dressed! Not to mention her wonderful, confident smile!

"They Say" you're only as young as you feel..let's face it, some days we all feel like a kid, some days, we feel much older than my actual age, don't you think?

What do you find helps you feel younger? A new haircut, a new outfit? Maybe wearing a smile for awhile?

I find sometimes just getting outdoors, calling a friend or listening to my favorite music.

What works for you? Feel free to share in the comment section!

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Susan B. Anthony is Honored Today

Today is Election Day November 8, 2016. Susan B. Anthony's headstone has a lot of "I Voted" stickers on it. What an awesome way to honor the Pioneering Women's Rights Activist! There has been a steady stream of visitors all day, people smiling, taking selfies next to the headstone. 

This election we have a woman presidential candidate of a major party, Hillary Clinton running. I had wondered if people realized how this was such an important historic event, especially as I watched Hillary voting, for herself.

Well, I don't have to wonder anymore after everything I have been reading and watching online. 

At a time when so many are busy with tech gadgets, social networking, not really taking time to stop and think of the times we live in, let alone the past, this is pretty cool.

I want to give a shout out to Susan B. Anthony for making this all possible!

There is great information about Susan B. Anthony here

Friday, November 4, 2016

How Does Society Stereotype Older Women?

Maggie's Bloom today, How Older Woman are stereotyped.

Our society focuses on youth, and we have lost respect of older people in general. Growing up, I always looked up to my grandparents. 
That respect is even less for older women. Older men, become distinguished looking,their gray hair, lines on their face, are signs of wisdom.
Those same lines and gray hair for women must be hidden. We are sold this in ads every day, we buy into it and so does society.
There is a quote that I really like, "So much has been said and sung of beautiful young girls. Why doesn't somebody wake up to the beauty of older women." Harriet Beecher Stowe
Well, I say, let's be that somebody! Let's talk about our beauty! 
Society needs to see our beauty! We are so much more than skin deep! We are strong, we have our individual life experience, knowledge to share.
Don't take us for granted. Our path in this life continues, we are not done. We have so much to offer.
What are your thoughts? Let's sing our own song! 

Thursday, November 3, 2016

I Voted...Let's Rock On!

Well, I voted this morning. I have to say, I am glad I fulfilled my obligation. Plus, now I  can gripe if things don't go my way.                                                                                 

Anyway, Let's have  Positive Blooms For this Election.

"Remember when Halloween was the scary night of the year when we were kids? Well, now it's Election night!" me

Do you ever get the feeling that the only reason we have elections is to find out if the polls were right? Robert Orben

                        So, get out and vote! Keep your sense of humor! And let's Rock On!

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

November Bloom

November is here, only memories and remnants of summer .
Another year coming to an end.
Breathing in autumn colors, savoring all scents surrounding me.
Taking it all in, feelings of gratitude to be part of it all.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Reflections of My Life

Reflections of  My Life

                                                 My Bloom Today: Reflections of My Life

This photograph was taken yesterday when I went on a walk with my dog.
Now that I am just a month away from my 59th Birthday, I find myself reflecting on my life.
There's a quote that I love by Barbara De Angelis "Women need real moments of solitude and self-
reflection to balance how much of ourselves we give away."
Through the years, just as most women do, I have not taken time for those real moments as much as I needed. Women tend to put others before themselves. They give away so much of ourselves, eventually, it usually catches up to us, am I right?
I raised three daughters and tried to let them know that it is not selfish to take that time for yourself, just as my mom did with me. I do see them taking some time for themselves, so maybe they did hear me.
I fall into a pattern sometimes, not taking that time for solitude and self-reflection to keep that balance. Once in awhile, I have to remind myself and hear my own words.Please remember to take time for yourself.
The Times of Your Life a song most can relate to...


Sunday, October 23, 2016

Amazing Moments

                                           Sunday Blooms
My Sunday Bloom! I was able to catch a rainbow and wanted to share it here!
I was so excited and surprised when I opened the door to save a lady bug! Wow! What a reward!

I have never seen such a beautiful rainbow! It brightened up my day. Nature really is the gift that keeps on giving.

This also reminds me of how an ordinary day can turn into something special.
So many people are too busy to stop for a moment to notice amazing things around them. Precious moments can add so much to a person's life!

Wishing you many amazing moments!

Friday, October 21, 2016

Fall Blooms

                                              Today's thoughts, or as I call it, blooms. Fall

Colors of the trees, golds, reds, orange, yellows..colors only nature can bring to us.
Memories from childhood,raking a perfect pile of leaves to jump into! Playing outside all day, going back out again after supper, in the dark!
I still try to get outside, I love feeling the crisp wind in my face, taking walks with my dog. I am in awe of nature.

I look forward to drinking hot chocolate again, sitting outside at night around a campfire. 

Soon, nights will be longer, days will be shorter. So, for me, it's important to get outside and enjoy the daytime! 
I also don't want to just vegetate in front of a television. I plan on getting board games to play, yes, I do play interactive games online, but I enjoy the old fashioned games,too!

This time of year can also get a person down. Mixed emotions, mixed memories of the past, a lot of things that I really didn't realize would impact me so much as I got older. Oh, and there are   of course are the physical aches, pains and limitation that so many people deal with even more so at this time of year.

What to do to help get through the blues:

Declutter: Yep, time to go through stuff you no longer need or want. Clothes, stuff around the house. A great place to give items to is Goodwill!
 Speaking of decluttering, how about your mind? If you feel like clearing out some things, here is one idea. Take small pieces of paper and write down habits you want to get rid of, pain others have caused you, any financial or other personal issues you want out of your life. When you're done, rip up those papers. Look at those pieces as the parts of your life that no longer have any control over you.

Make a gratitude list: This is something that helps anytime of  year. This time of year I feel I really need it. It helps to ground me. I need to be reminded to appreciate the positive!

Volunteer: Soup kitchens are always in need of help. You can call your local police or fire department, they have so many activities going on during the holidays.

Those are just some of my blooms for today!

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Sharing some of my blooming thoughts

As an older woman now, I find that when I am forgetful, now I can blame it on my age! People don't have to know I've always been this way!

A quick stop at the store for a few things, I grab a basket. I just know using a grocery cart, I'll buy too much. So much for that kind of thinking. The basket ends up overflowing, ends up on the floor, pushed with my foot and my arms full!

I may be getting older, but I will never grow up!

I recently went to the doctor's and the young lady at the desk checking me in, asked me if I worked. Before I could answer, she said "Oh, you're probably retired." That's the first time in my life I felt old.

Take time to love yourself for who you are, don't let the mirror be a reflection of how you feel about yourself.

Women get wrinkles on their face, men, well, they become more "distinguished looking."

Don't fall for how society defines women.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Donnalou Stevens, A Fiery Spirit!

Donnalou Stevens, she's funny, talented and one of my heroes! Need a lift, a smile, a laugh? Watch one of Donnalou's videos, and it's sure to do the trick!
She says she was born with a fiery spirit, a gypsy heart and a creative streak!
Visiting her website, I find a lot I can relate to, talking about growing up, trying to conform to who other people wanted her to be.. I think so many women can relate. In fact, it doesn't seem to be just in childhood, it seems to never end.
Rather than insisting on girls conforming, why wasn't the creative streak encouraged? We may not be girls anymore, but hey, we all have talents!
Donnalou talks about an eating disorder in her 20's and years of battling pain, how she had to work through it all.
Her songs bring what she has learned, "we are all incredibly beautiful human beings, worthy of love no matter what."
So glad you share your music with the world, Donnalou!

Older Ladies Video

Donnalou's Website

Older Women Rock On!

So, this is to let you know a little bit about myself, and what I plan on doing with this blog. I am a mixed generation baby. I fall at the end of the baby boomers, which really is like trying to fit a circle into a square peg.
Born at the end of the 1950's, I grew up in a time when penny candy really cost a penny, a party line was a phone line you shared with your neighbor, walking to school was safe and things done behind closed doors were never talked about, Hippies were far out and I saw Disco come and go.
This blog is to bring a little humor, sharing a little bit of my life and share information that I hope older women will find interesting and helpful.
The media has seemed to always focused selling women youth, selling it in lotions, creams, makeup and more.
No stereotyping here! Fun, info, and more.
Let's rock on!

Artificial intelligence yields new antibiotic

                              A Deep Learning Model Identifies a   New Drug That Can Kill                                Many Species of ...