Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Rosie O'Donnell : My brother Ed wrote this


Rosie O'Donnell will be the first to tell you, she's not perfect. Who is? We all have flaws. I like her... I tend to be a big mouth at times. Isn't it odd that when women speak up, speak loud, stand up, they are loud mouths, even bitches. Not so with men. He's confident, he's strong, powerful.

Anyway, I took a look at Rosie's blog today and wanted to share what her brother wrote on December 17, 2017. 

I am sharing this now, as I sit here watching the vote on it's way to confirm this tax bill that will take away healthcare for so many and alter lives in other negative ways. 

my brother ed wrote this
December 17, 2017

“These are dark and desperate times in our democracy.
Did the Founding Fathers or for that matter any seated Congress repeatedly try and pass laws that vast majority of Americans did not want?
Did they do so in the middle of the night? On bills that had not be read by the voters? Adding trillions to the national debt? Taking services from those who can least afford it, even children? Transferring more wealth to the wealthy and corporations from the lowest income members of our society.
This is madness. America is looking out for a hero, can you be that hero?
Someone, somewhere needs to stand up to this. Congress is voting on bills that are barely written, much less vetted that will negatively impact the majority of Americans for years to come. It needs to be stopped.
Let’s start with the ACA. For six months or more this was debated by Congress and the changes proposed did not pass. So what happens when it doesn’t get passed? The Congressional leadership throws it into a tax bill for a portion of the cuts that they did not get when they couldn’t pass the bill. An estimated 13 Million Americans will not have insurance based on this.
State and local taxes no longer being able to be deducted, or capped at a rate that is ridiculously low, is nothing more than a punitive action against the states that did not vote for the current Administration. These states are the ones which already contribute the most to the federal government. This will have a major impact on the housing market and economies of these states. This will no doubt negatively impact which funding to the federal government. Did no one in Congress take Economics?
Then there are the inappropriate and bizarre additions to this tax bill.
• Setting up 529 college savings accounts for unborn children? With millions of graduates saddled by student loans (which the bill would not have tax deductible interest), young people not being able to afford college and the solution is 529 plans for fetuses? In a tax bill no less?
• Finally, churches endorsing candidates? How about they pay taxes for the privilege? And then there is the separation of church and state. You want to throw out the First Amendment – you need to change the Constitution – not throw this in a tax bill.
America was founded as a country with rights for all citizens with a legislative process that has worked for over 200+ years. This is not the way things are supposed to run in our great democracy. This bill will further concentrate the wealth in the hands of a few and will detrimentally impact the lives of those who are least able to deal with it.
I believe you are a moral person who is looking to do the right thing. The right thing to do here it to take the time to come up with a plan that works for ALL Americans not just the privileged few.
I leave you with the words of the Bible:
If anyone has material possessions and sees a brother or sister in need but has no pity on them, how can the love of God be in that person? Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.
— 1 John 3:17
Please work to stop this madness and vote against the proposed tax bill. America is holding out for a hero. You can be that hero.”

Sunday, December 10, 2017

A Knock at the Door

                                                              A Knock at the Door



She just arrived home from work and was ready to relax,when there was a knock at the door. Really? Now? Who would that possibly be..she wasn't expecting anyone!
She looked out the window to see who it was, living alone, she never just opened the door. She began to tremble, her lips were quivering.
Panic washed over her, she found herself frozen. She hadn't felt this way in so many years, waves of fear hit her. Finally, she tried to take a step, but fell to her knees.
What was he doing at her door? Flashbacks of what he did to her almost 40 years ago, all those feelings she thought she would have again, was now all she felt.
His breath on her neck, his fingers touching her, she pushing them away. She wanted to run, panic, fear, she couldn't breathe.
Those words, "no one will believe you" sent chills up her spine. No matter how much she tried to avoid him, he would just appear out of nowhere.
Now, he's knocking on her door. She knew he was running for office. She was avoiding any news so she wouldn't have to hear his voice, his name or see his face.
That knock at her door was like being violated all over again.
She was finally to look out the window, he was gone. She laid on the floor for hours. Doom and gloom was all she felt. She was one of many, yet felt so alone.
Crawling into bed, she called a friend who would understand. A friend fortunate enough to move away a long time ago. A friend who had been through the same thing with him.
She found support in her friend, anger, tears and then strength.Courage to stand together and tell their story. To encourage women to tell their story of abuse.
Strength in numbers, knowing you are not alone. To say enough! To say #MeToo!
Change can't wait for the future. It must begin now. It's long overdo. We do this for ourselves for what so many of us have been through.
We do this for our children, grandchildren, our country.
Telling our stories is important. Sexual assault, abuse, harassment knows no barriers. It crosses all economic lines.
We must come together, now. Now, we begin.

Marjorie Farrington 12/10/2017 ©️

The above is a fictional story.


Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Time Person of the Year 2017, "The Silence Breakers"

Time announced their Person of the Year 2017. Those who shared their stories of sexual harasment,"The Silence Breakers." 

Time The people who have broken their silence on sexual assault and harassment span all races, all income classes, all occupations and virtually all corners of the globe. Their collective anger has spurred immediate and shocking results. For their influence on 2017, they are TIME’s Person of the Year.
NPR #Metoomovement    
It has created a wave of awareness and brave confrontations over sexual harassment and assault, taking down powerful men in the process. And now the #MeToo movement has been named Time magazine's Person of the Year for 2017.
On its cover, Time called the people behind the movement "The Silence Breakers." Its story features women and men who have spoken out — including activist Tarana Burke, who started the hashtag 10 years ago.'
 The Time article also features women who work hourly jobs, some of whom want to remain anonymous. The magazine's cover portrait includes strawberry picker Isabel Pascual, lobbyist Adama Iwu and former Uber engineer Susan Fowler along with Ashley Judd and Taylor Swift.
"The reckoning appears to have sprung up overnight. But it has actually been simmering for years, decades, centuries," Time's Stephanie Zacharek, Eliana Dockterman and Haley Sweetland Edwards write. "Women have had it with bosses and coworkers who not only cross boundaries but don't even seem to know that boundaries exist."
Marking a possible cultural shift back in October, NPR's Sarah McCammon quoted associate professor Lisa Huebner saying of #MeToo, "It helps a lot of people individually, I think, and it also will help us to mark publicly that this is a widespread occurrence, and it's not OK."

Thursday, November 30, 2017

Will Sexual Harassment Continue After the Media Moves On?

                               Will Sexual Harassment Continue After the Media Moves On?


Sexual Harasment is built into our culture.

Sexual harassment is embedded in our society. It knows no boundaries. It's been an accepted form of behavior, just as the guys in high school are admired for another notch in their belt.
From the waitress who has to perform for her tips, so what if she gets a pat on the butt, unwanted touches, remarks about her looks and vivid descriptions of what someone wants to do to her. The women working in the service industry, maid service in hotels and motels. The cashier at stores fast food places.Factory workers, school employees, office workers. It doesn't matter, it happens everywhere. 
Our society doesn't teach girls to defend themselves when they are growing up. We don't teach boys respect for girls, that it is not okay to say things about a girl's body. It's not okay to touch her. There are boundaries, both verbal and physical. Teach girls that those boundaries are to be respected.Continue this guidance as both girls and boys mature. 
Right now, as far as adults, this is difficult, the mindset is already there, it's hard to change.
Women shouldn't have to put up with sexual harassment at work (wherever that is). Most will because they need that job. It's not a choice. Those are the ones that will be left behind after the media moves on to the next story.
If we move on from this subject, sexual harassment  will go on and so will any hope for change.

The above is my personal opinion and does not represent the view of

Marjorie Farrington 

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Women and Anti-Aging

Women Lose Their Looks, Not Men?

Just as "beauty is more than skin deep" so "they Say" is the way women are treated as they age. But, for this blog today, I am focusing on the way women are treated because of their aging skin and bodies.

I chose the two photos above of two attractive older people. The woman looks a lot like a woman you might see in an ad for a product for a anti-aging. Yet, a woman with the same look would not be portrayed in a movie as the man's wife. Usually, he would have a wife that could be the age of his daughter, or even granddaughter.

In the 1996 movie "First Wives Club" the women are friends, each are divorced, husbands remarried. Goldie Hawn is an actress who went to an audition, expecting to audition for the daugther, Monique and instead they wanted her to be the mother. She is at the bar, depressed and has had a couple of drinks, it pretty much sums up reality.

"I'm not Monique's mother!
- Lansbury's Monique's mother- Shelley Winters is Monique's mother.

- Now, that's good.

- Sean Connery's Monique's mother.

- Perhaps some coffee now.

- I take that back. Sean Connery

is Monique's boyfriend.

He's  100  years old,

but he's still a stud."

In 1978 essay by Susan Sontag titled The Double Standard of Aging, she really explains it well: 
[For women, o]nly one standard of female beauty is sanctioned: the girl.

The great advantage men have is that our culture allows two standards of male beauty: the boy and the man. 

The beauty of a boy resembles the beauty of a girl. In both sexes it is a fragile kind of beauty and flourishes

naturally only in the early part of the life-cycle. 

Happily, men are able to accept themselves under another standard of good looks — heavier, rougher, more thickly 


A man does not grieve when he loses the smooth, unlined, hairless skin of a boy. For he has only exchanged 

one form of attractiveness for another: 

the darker skin of a man’s face, roughened by daily shaving, showing the marks of emotion and the normal lines
of age.

There is no equivalent of this second standard for women. 

The single standard of beauty for women dictates that they must go on having clear skin. Every wrinkle, every line,
every gray hair, is a defeat.  

No wonder that no boy minds becoming a man, while even the passage from girlhood to early womanhood is experienced 

by many women as their downfall,for all women are trained to continue wanting to look like girls.}

I was 20 years old when she that was written. I am turning 60 in November. I would say I began to really noticing a 

difference in the past five years.

My looks have gone through some real changes. Every line on my face seems to have deepened, My weight is a constant battle. My gray hair is really coming in,

and it's not that pretty color I remembered my grandmother had..

I am not hung up on my looks, I had three kids, I have had some health problems..but there are some feelings of guilt, ridiculous.

I do notice a difference many times in "how" I am looked at.. I also used to think as you age, respect would come 
with it.

I have found this not to be the case, with few exceptions.

I realize there is big money in selling all of that anti-aging stuff to women. It's too bad the ads create images 

that for the average old woman, cannot be become reality. Just what she needs, another thing to make her 
feel older. These ridiculous goals of trying to be younger can't be reached and now she will feel like a 
failure, as if she is doing something wrong by aging. 

Instead, we should be encouraging older women to be healthy, to love themselves, to enjoy life..not only to accept themselves, but to embrace and be proud of who they are..

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Older Women and the Battle of Our Skin


                                              Older Women Makeup Tips : Over age 50

This is one thing that I find myself wondering about sometimes, mainly because I see so many older women wearing too much makeup. Some may be wearing the wrong makeup.

When you're younger, you may get away with it. But it's different for older women. We are bombarded with ads that want to sell us creams, lotions, all sorts of potions, with the goal of making us look younger. And then there are hundreds of different makeups, with a huge variety of buy it, get it home, it's too dark or too light. You end up with a drawer full of nothing that works.

After all of this aggravation, I end up wearing no makeup. 

Looking around online for tips can be just as frustrating. 

For me, I don't care about looking younger, I just want to look healthy. I care about my appearance and want makeup that gives me that result.

So, I hope the following tips help..

I found advice on 

1. Your skin is always first.

I like this tip. She says in this tip, the better your skin, the less makeup you'll need. Keeping your skin well-hydrated and exfoliated, you may find all you need is under-eye concealer, mascara if you like and lip balm daily.

Mature skin care:

Moisturize! This will plump up your skin, which will make whatever use on your skin each day go on smoother . In this article, she recommends Neocutis Hyalis, purchased on Amazon. 

Retinol cream

I found this bit of information on

"According to the Mayo Clinic, the first anti-aging products on the marketplace contained retinol, a Vitamin A compound. Vitamin A has been scientifically-proven to help neutralize the free radicals found in the skin cells. These free radicals are responsible for causing our skin cells to break down. This breakdown is what causes wrinkles, age spots, rough skin and other signs of aging skin that a 60-year-old woman will have. In order to get the best results, women should make certain that retinol is the main ingredient in their skin care product states the Mayo Clinic.

Those who want a retinol-based skin care product that is more potent than an over-the-counter one, should visit their dermatologist. They can obtain a prescription-based version of retinol known as tretinoin states the Mayo Clinic. The treatment is applied topically. Tretinoin is approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)."

Your skin naturally produces collagen, but the amount decreases as you age. To replenish collagen, using various skin-care products that have collagen, can help minimize the appearance of fine lines, day and night creams, moisturizers, lipsticks, foundations powders and cleansers.

Exfoliate daily. There are many facial scrubs out there, a lot of people have recommended coconut oil to me. Unfortunately, I had a bad reaction to it, so I cannot use it. My daughters use it and love it.

Of course, a big No, No is going to bed with makeup on.

Every day, first thing in the morning, I apply sunscreen. When I researched articles, that is highly recommended. For me, I have done it for most of my adult life. I have a brother who has melanoma, which is a lesson for me to keep that sunscreen applied each morning. I don't just do it in the summer, on sunny days, I do it every day, all year long. I apply it to my face, neck, ears, even whatever part of my chest is exposed in every day clothes. Of course, my arms and hands. It also helps with sunspots and wrinkles.

Plump up tinning lips with lip gloss. Add a little color first by filling in lips with a lip liner or lipstick a shade or 2 darker than your natural lip color, then add a dab of lip gloss.

Here is advice from

Foundation for You
The perfect foundation will work with your skin type and will be the correct shade. That's it. You'll want creamy formulations for drier skin and lighter, oil-free foundations for oily skin. As for choosing the right shade, you'll want to test the color with the help of a friend or professional. Strong advice: try before you buy or buy from a place with a great return policy.

Use a Primer First
Just as you prime a wall with primer before you paint it, the secret to flawless makeup lies in makeup primer. Applying a layer of primer between your skin and makeup will help your foundation glide on more smoothly.

Use Different Foundations for Summer and in Winter
Our skin changes not only yearly, but seasonally. In winter months, you may need a creamy formula. In summer months you may find your skin becomes oily and a tinted moisturizer will do.

So, I have only just begun...please take a look at the links I provide, there's a lot of information that you may find helpful.

Meanwhile, I will continue down this path and keep sharing here!

credit info also to

Friday, September 1, 2017

Aging Gracefully


As November gets closer, the big 60 is coming. Yep, hitting that 60 years old mark! I can remember when I was growing up thinking how old that number was! My grandparents, my parents, now, me? Really?

I don't feel my age most of the time. I am grateful to be here, so many don't make it this far. My mother-in-law died at the age of 47, my sister-in-law was only 52, a cousin in his 40's.

I have always loved the outdoors. As a kid, I would be outside, riding bikes, playing games all day. Now, I take walks, taking in the beauty of nature. I am in awe of it all!

I have had health issues in the past and know just how fast life can change. 

Our culture focuses on youth. I feel our most precious treasures are older people. They have been where the youth are going. 

No drama, laugh often, be grateful, love lots!

"Old age is no place for sissies" Bette Davis

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Refusing to Fade to Gray

                                                         Refusing to Fade to Gra

Life is bitter sweet and far from perfection
We find ourselves filled with emotions at time
Looking for direction.

Isn't it strange as we get older we seem to fade away
No one seems to see us anymore 
And act as if we have nothing left to say.

I wonder now as years go by
Did my parents feel this way?
For I feel myself disappear
Already part of the past
I am not really here.

When I speak, my words don't seem 
to go anywhere
They disperse into the air
No one hears them, 
Are my words worthless or is it 
No one really cares?

I am a giving person, 
I know life is not all about me
But isolation is not a place to be.

It's time for me to face I need to 
change my direction in life.
For I am filled with anger and my 
days are filled with strife.

Finding respect for myself is the key
To opening the door to a real life, 
For I know there's so much more.
I cannot look to others, 
No, it's time to put the key in the door
Open up opportunities, for me.                                                            
                                                                                                          Maggie Bloom
                                                                                                          Marjorie Farrington 4/12/2014 ©

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Over 50 and a Path to New Employment


Over 50 and finding your way to new employment. Learn How to Become is an excellent online resource! 

The following is from their website:

If you have held multiple jobs throughout your working life or have been laid off, don’t forget that you developed many marketable skills over the years. Create a list of skills you have acquired and determine what you are good at so you can present yourself to employers. Don’t overlook general skills that are essentially transferable skills relevant to multiple occupations. Skills such as reading and writing, management skills, technical skills, and communication skills can transfer over to a number of positions and industries Use tools like the Career One Stop Skills Profiler          Toolkit Use  tools like the 

Check out the Toolkit. It is a great resource from Interest Assessment, Skills Profiler, to Job and Salary Finder and more!
Check out this great info Career One Stop
And don't forget to go to Learn How To Become

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Style or Comfort?


I hadn't seen my friend all winter. As soon as I walked outside, she looked at my boots and said "What's the story with your boots." I told her where I got them and how much I paid. Later that day, we were sitting outdoors and she noticed my shoes. She told me my choice in shoes were "interesting."
Hmm...I thought, is that positive or negative? I said, "What are you trying to say, I have no style?" (I was smiling) She just laughed.
I dress for comfort, I always have, in clothes and shoes. As I have gotten older, it's more important for my feet. My mom always had foot problems and had to wear shoes she could wear, not really what was good for her feet.
I don't spend a fortune on my shoes, but I don't skimp on them, either. They have to be quality, comfortable and good for my feet.
Style is not a priority for me. I see all of these commercials that show women with shelves of shoes. I have never understood it.
What is more important to you, style or comfort?

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Tea Helps Your Brain!


We hear so many things that we should do to be healthy, after awhile, we may just tune it all out. Try to stay tuned in as I talk about it again, okay?
Older people, well, we have a lot of concerns, so I thought I would research the subject.
Health is a major concern as we get older and we read so much about cognitive decline. 
On Medical News Today it recommends drinking tea, glad to hear it because I drink a lot of tea! Here is part of what they said:

Thanks to its high levels of antioxidants, tea has been linked to a lower risk of diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. However, its potential health benefits may not end there. Researchers have found that regular tea consumption could more than halve the risk of cognitive decline for older adults, particularly for those with a genetic risk of Alzheimer's disease.
[A cup of tea with some tea leaves]
New research suggests that regular tea intake could lower the risk of cognitive decline in later life.
Tea is one of the most popular beverages in the United States; in 2015, more than 3.6 billion gallons of tea were consumed in the country, with black tea being the favorite.

The possible health benefits of tea consumption have been well documented. A recent study published in The American Journal of Public Health, for example, associated moderate tea intake with a reduced risk of cardiovascular events.

* In the same article it talks about green tea, which I've come to really like!
Past research has suggested that drinking tea may also have brain benefits, with one study linking green tea consumption to better working memory.

Hot tea has more benefits than iced tea. but according to Prevention very little. 

Monday, March 20, 2017

We are Amazing!

                                                                We Are Amazing!

Wow, I was researching articles that are positive about women and aging. I came upon one very interesting one by Noelle Nelson written in April 2016 in Huffington Post.
In the article, she has a new name for Boomers! The Amazings!
Nelson writes:
"We are busting preconceptions, forcing by our very numbers, the world to look at us differently. We are redefining the years past 60 as years of growth, joy, fun, adventure, even romance! What we Amazings want Millennials (and every generation) to know, is that these individuals are not the exception. There are over 45 million people in the United States alone who are 65 and over (44.7 in 2013, according to the US Census). Most of these individuals are happy, healthy, and having a grand old time."

Reading the full article, she says that anyone can be an Amazing! Living positively, gratitude, and make "a deliberate decision to see the passage of years as simply movement through time."

Yep, and she also points out that all this, along with, happiness, optimism, helps us with our physical and mental well being!

I love what she wrote! Read her article about The Amazings

Friday, March 17, 2017

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Happy St. Patrick's Day!
Every St. Patrick's Day brings back memories of my mom. She was so proud to be Irish!
About a week before, she would pull out her album with those beautiful Irish songs. Singing along as she went about her daily tasks.
She would put green ribbons in our hair and of course made sure we wore green!
I  am sure today she is up above singing to those wonderful songs!
Happy St. Patrick's  Day, mom!

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Not a diet. Healthy Eating.


I will be turning 60 this year and know that I need to make changes.

This past year I found out I had a small hiatal hernia: (Hiatal hernia occurs when a small part of your stomach slides up into your chest through a weak spot, or hiatus, in your diaphragm. A symptomatic hiatal hernia regurgitates stomach acid back into your esophagus, causing the heartburn, difficulty swallowing and chest pain associated with gastroesophageal reflux disease, or GERD. To manage a hiatal hernia, Cleveland Clinic advises you to maintain a healthy weight, stop smoking, eat small meals at least three hours to four hours before lying down and avoid fatty and acidic foods. Consult your doctor for advice and fill your plate with healthy foods to help alleviate symptoms.)
One thing I have done is add a probiotic every day. I have digestive issues that I never had before and it has made a big difference.
Looking at food recommendations, if you have any digestive issues, you may want to take a look.
On : Vegetables and Fruits

Vegetables are a great choice for side dishes and snacks as most won't aggravate a hiatal hernia. Dark leafy greens, such as broccoli and spinach, provide plenty of calcium and vitamin B, while red bell peppers and carrots are great sources of antioxidants. Other vegetables you can enjoy include kale, sweet potatoes, squash and string beans. Fruits containing antioxidants may help reduce or prevent symptoms from occurring, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center. Healthy fruits include apricots, cherries, raspberries, blueberries and cantaloupe. Avoid acidic and citrus fruits, such as tomatoes, grapefruit and oranges, because they can aggravate your heartburn.

Choose whole grains over refined starches to add fiber to your diet. Brown rice, steel-cut oatmeal, quinoa, whole-grain pasta and rye bread are smart whole-grain fiber choices. Avoid processed foods containing refined starches and sugar, such as commercially packaged cookies, cakes, crackers and white bread. Refined starches are also loaded with trans fatty acids; choose healthy fats, such as olive oil and safflower oil, instead. Keep your dairy choices low-fat because high-fat products may aggravate your hiatal hernia. Choose low-fat and no-fat milk, cottage cheese, sour cream and yogurt to add dairy to your diet.

Water is the best beverage choice if you have a hiatal hernia. Avoid fruit juices, coffee and caffeinated beverages because they may cause hiatal hernia symptoms to appear. Alcohol and carbonated sodas may also cause problems. Herbal teas are fine, but stay away from peppermint tea because it may cause heartburn.

Most hiatal hernias aren't problematic, but if you do experience symptoms, consult your physician. Medications, by prescription and over-the-counter, can alleviate the symptoms of hiatal hernia, but take them only under your doctor's supervision. Speak to your health care provider or dietitian before making any changes to your diet if you are pregnant or have a serious medical condition, such as diabetes or heart disease.

*Making these changes isn't that hard and is worth it!

*I am not a medical professional. Please consult your doctor before making any changes in diet and exercise.

Friday, February 10, 2017

Exercise for women over age 50

                                              EXERCISE for WOMEN over 50

Inactivity leads to many issues as we age. Did you know that according to Webmd, your chronological age may be 55, your biological age could be 35? Yes, they say if you follow a consistent exercise program.
**Before starting, please check with your doctor.

Now, I will be turning 60 this year, wow! I feel like I am fairly active, I do a lot of walking. I try my best to eat right. But I know I need to add consistent exercise, so I began looking for information and wanted to share it with you.

This article on webmd is a great place to start! Here's what I am sharing from the article on their site.

Aerobic exercise. Walking, jogging, swimming, and dance exercise are good ones to try. Aerobic exercise works the large muscles in your body, benefitting your cardiovascular system -- and your weight. Work up to getting 20 or more minutes per session, 3 or 4 days a week. Make sure you can pass the “talk test,” which means exercising at a pace that lets you carry on a conversation.
Strength training. Lifting hand weights improves your strength and posture, maintains bone strength, reduces the risk of lower back injury, and also helps you tone. Start with a hand weight that you can comfortably handle for eight repetitions. Gradually add more reps until you can complete 12.
Stretching. Stretching exercises help maintain flexibility and range of motion in joints. They also reduce the risk of injury and muscle soreness. Yoga and Pilates are good forms of stretching exercise; they build core body strength and increase stability.
Make Exercise a Part of Your Daily Routine

Every bit of movement counts. If you're too busy for a regular workout, look for other ways to be in motion. Research shows that all those extra steps you take during the day add up to big health benefits. Here are some ideas to get you on your feet:

Adopt a dog and take it for walks every day.
Take the stairs instead of the elevator. At home, don't shout at your family members from the stairs -- go on up.
Get up and talk with co-workers, rather than sending emails. Have a meeting with one or two colleagues? Take it outside and make it a walking meeting.
Walk briskly whenever you can. Always wear comfortable shoes, or bring them with you, so that your feet can be your main mode of transportation.
Find a sport, game, or activity you like. You’ll stay committed to exercising if you’re doing something that you enjoy.

I would like to add here that I have a fitbit watch. I have had it for a while. I love it because it counts my steps, tracks my heart rate, my calories, sleep, and I can manually put in my water, coffee, food intake. It really helps! Hey, it even vibrates after 50 minutes of sitting to get up and move!

What about you? Is this information helpful? Do you have something to add?

Monday, January 23, 2017

                   Women Over 50 Fashion

Fashion is not really my thing, no surprise to people who know me.
Since we do have to wear clothes, I thought I would talk about where to get clothes for daily wear at a reasonable price.
Take a look at Amazon. 
There  great choices in tops, pants, skirts, socks and more!

This is one I really like, great color choices and price!

This is cool, too! 

Check this out!

These are just a few examples, these look comfy and I guess you could feel in style!
I just discovered this on Amazon, so maybe now I can combine fashion and comfort!
How about you?

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Older Women Rock!


We all know how fast time goes..we have all heard it when we were younger. It never meant much back then, why would it?
When I am outside walking my dog, feeling the wind in my face and enjoying the sun, it takes me back decades. I am grateful for those memories and for the new moments I have now to add to those memories.
I don't feel old. Sometimes I wish people couldn't see your age. Not so much because of my looks, but the way they look at you. The way they see you. There are so many assumptions about older people. 
And there doesn't seem the interest to know us. I loved being around my grandmother. There was always a special feeling when I was with her. I have always gotten along well with older people. There's a connection.
Do what makes you feel good. Listen to music you love, write, walk, if you cannot walk on your own, get someone to take you. If you cannot get outside, watch videos of the outdoors, listen to sounds of the outdoors. Whatever makes you happy.
I made the following video for this blog. I hope you enjoy. Maybe it'll make you smile.

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