Wednesday, April 25, 2018

My Life Journey


My Life Journey 

Look at the lines on my face as my life journey. There is no need for me to cover them up. There is no reason for me to be ashamed.      

I have known a lot of people who didn't live long enough to have lines on their face. Their journey ended too soon.

Trees have rings for their map of life, that can only be seen when cut down. We get to show our life journey while we are still here.

I have the privilege of having a journey long enough to be seen and I am grateful.

                                                                                          Marjorie Farrington 2018

Sunday, April 8, 2018

Grateful to be part of the 60's Club

                                                                               60's Club

I am proud to be part of the 60's club. So many people don't make it to age 60, I realize how fortunate I am to still be here

Our society has always focused on youth. Not just the young, but selling the older people that they need to do all they can to look younger. Some how, natural aging is "against the rules." I know one thing, when I looked at my grandmother, I loved how she looked. Her beautiful white hair and blue eyes. She would wear a "house dress" with a sweater draped over her shoulders. There is nothing I would've changed about her!

I have been a grandmother since I was 40. My older grandchildren know me differently than my younger ones. That's only natural.

Our society doesn't look to older people as having wisdom. Isn't it odd how we honor and preserve so many historic homes, people love antiques.Yet older and elderly people are ignored, not cherished or respected.

We should not have to be subconscious about the lines on our face, the aging of our skin, graying hair, slowing down, needing people to help us when we need.

Maybe looking at us, being around us, younger people see their future. They should realize, we've been where they are and where they are going. They should want to learn from us. With so many people wanting to know about their ancestry, talk to the older people who are here, get to know them. We are part of the present, we are part of the past.

Look at us for who we are, not what we look like. We have given so much, yet have so much left to much left to live...

Don't ignore us, don't look at us as a burden, don't shun us.

If you're fortunate, you too will join the 60's club and beyond. Treat those now in that age group the way you will want to be treated.

Artificial intelligence yields new antibiotic

                              A Deep Learning Model Identifies a   New Drug That Can Kill                                Many Species of ...