Refusing to Fade to Gra
Life is bitter sweet and far from perfection
We find ourselves filled with emotions at time
Looking for direction.
Isn't it strange as we get older we seem to fade away
No one seems to see us anymore
And act as if we have nothing left to say.
I wonder now as years go by
Did my parents feel this way?
For I feel myself disappear
Already part of the past
I am not really here.
When I speak, my words don't seem
to go anywhere
They disperse into the air
No one hears them,
Are my words worthless or is it
No one really cares?
I am a giving person,
I know life is not all about me
But isolation is not a place to be.
It's time for me to face I need to
change my direction in life.
For I am filled with anger and my
days are filled with strife.
Finding respect for myself is the key
To opening the door to a real life,
For I know there's so much more.
I cannot look to others,
No, it's time to put the key in the door
Open up opportunities, for me.
Maggie Bloom
Marjorie Farrington 4/12/2014 ©